Accused of slaughtering three Chinese merchants were arrested in Dubai – 03/29/2019


The case is macabre. The three Chinese citizens murdered in a supermarket in Junín they cut off their heads. The authors, a couple of the same nationality, escaped to a corner in Buenos Aires. The investigators followed the steps and they arrived to Ezeiza: the day after the triple crime, they took a plane to the city of Dubai. This Friday night, they were arrested at the airport of this city.

To Weng Chan Xiu (30), aka "Eric"; his partner Zuang Zhehzhu (30), aka "Lili"; and Chen Whanwe (43) were killed Wednesday night at the "Sky" supermarket, located at 25 de Mayo and Bernardo de Irigoyen, where they also lived.

The victims were found by two people who, on Thursday, a few minutes before 10 am, went to the store and it seemed to them that it was closed.

"Liun" and "Mein", the Chinese couple accused of Junin's triple crime, escaped on a plane bound for Dubai.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Seeing no one answered, the employees entered the store and found a horror scene: the victims had been beheaded. The witnesses called 911 and officers from the 1st police station entered the premises and verified that the owners of the business had been murdered in various areas of the premises.

Before the mafia signs of the episode, Junín's No.1 prosecutor, Vanina Lisazo, ordered to kidnap the security cameras of the premises but discovered that the badbadins had stolen the computers. However, during a thorough examination, the investigators discovered a hard drive hidden above the butcher's refrigerator, which made it possible to understand what happened on Wednesday night, according to the sources of the reported case. Clarin.

According to witnesses, the victims They had received a couple at the supermarket of the same nationality as that considered suspect.

"Liun" and "Mein", the Chinese couple accused of Junin's triple crime, escaped on a plane bound for Dubai.

The investigators also asked the neighbors for pictures of their security cameras that allowed them to reconstruct the escape of the attackers: they discovered that the couple had taken a discount. With the data from the car, the agents went to the agency and interviewed the driver. The man stated that the pbadengers told him at first that they were going to the bus station, but that before they arrived, they regretted and asked him to drive them to Retiro, in the federal capital.

The suspects paid for the trip in advance, although when they were on the national road 7, at the height of Tres Sargentos, in the middle of the trip, They asked to get off and they took another car.

The pain of the relatives of the victims, after the discovery of the bodies. PHOTO: DEMOCRACY JOURNAL

The pain of the relatives of the victims, after the discovery of the bodies. PHOTO: DEMOCRACY JOURNAL

Following the tracks of the cameras on the road, the researchers managed to find the temporary shelter from Buenos Aires in the neighborhood of Belgrano in which the couple stayed at dawn on Thursday. They think they have chosen this type of accommodation because, unlike conventional hotels, it is not necessary to register with name and document.

Seeing that they were wanted, "Liun" and "Mein", as identified by the police, went to a travel agency and bought a ticket for Dubai. The couple paid 200 thousand pesos in cash and Thursday afternoon, he embarked via Ezeiza on an Emirates flight. After a stopover in Rio de Janeiro, they continued on their way to the United Arab Emirates.

With the confirmation by Ezeiza security cameras that the couple had left the country, Lisazo sought to know the precise identity of the accused and to seek the warrant for international arrest, that the Guarantees Judge had authorized in record time. They managed to warn Interpol before the plane landed.

The supermarket was running out of money and a computer. The reason for the attack has not yet been determined, although, for the investigators, it is clear that the murderers they wanted to leave a message.


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