Acts for the 10 years of Alfonsín's death | Chronic


The radicals and the Peronists will honor the former president Raúl Alfonsín. Under the motto "A flower for Raúl", an act will be held at 11 am at the cemetery of La Recoleta, in the pantheon where rest the remains of the first president of the democratic restoration.

The act – who will have as sole interlocutor his son, the deputy Ricardo Alfonsín– bring together leaders of radicalism, such as Federico Sotrani, second vice-president of the National Committee of the UCR, and the deputies Martín Lousteau and Carla Carrizo.

Also today, Chascomús, the hometown of the former president, will be the scene of two tributes. The local UCR will hold its event at the party headquarters in Mazzini and Lincoln.

The PJ of Buenos Aires, meanwhile, will remember the former head of state with a tribute to be held from 10 am, next to the monument to Raul Alfonsin, located on the Avenue Costanera in Spain and in Muñiz. The meeting will involve the Alfonsin family, mayors and Peronist leaders; among them, the owner of the PJ of Buenos Aires and the mayor of Estever Echeverría, Fernando Gray.


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