Acute peritonitis, cause of death of giraffe Ecoparque porteño


Shaki, right, next to his cub, Ciro, in the enclosure that inhabited the Porteño Ecoparque

The death of two animals that were housed in the
Ecoparque porteño, in a period of ten days, reopened
discussion of the state of the property and the conservation of the specimens still found there. While the reasons are known
of the death of the giraffe Shaki, occurred yesterday afternoon, advance a criminal complaint filed to the Unit specializing in environmental matters (Ufema) to investigate these cases and other issues related to the old zoo.

Acute peritonitis caused a perforated stomach ulcer was the cause of death of the giraffe born at the Buenos Aires Zoo in April 2000, according to the official part of the necropsy performed on the animal during many hours. The diagnosis should be confirmed with the results of other studies that could be delayed up to 25 days, corresponding to histopathological, cytological and other

"In Shaki's case, there was no sign of clinical discomfort during the days that preceded his death. treatment established with immediacy, the evolution was unfavorable and he died due to widespread decompensation, "they reported. From the ecopark through a statement

The giraffe was housed in the African sector and shared the paddock with Buddy, his partner, born in the zoo in Chile in 2006, and Ciro, breeding between the two, three years.
His death is added to Ruth's death, the white rhino, which occurred on July 14 after spending several days
In both cases yesterday, the former director of zoo Buenos Aires, the naturalist, museologist and ecologist Claudio Bertonatti, has filed a criminal complaint to Ufema, by Blas Matías Michienzi, in order to advance in an investigation which determines the possible reasons for the two deaths.

  Shaki near his brood, Ciro, in the pen they shared next to Buddy, the male specimen
Shaki near his brood, Ciro, in the enclosure that they shared next to Buddy, the male copy Source: LA NACION


"Two of the areas most weakened by the removal of the oldest guardians were those of rhinos and giraffes, since only one experienced guardian was left with the help of recently engaged staff, but without due to the experience that this type of animal requires, "says part of the complaint signed by Bertonatti.

" It's symptomatic the amount of staff and contract staff that the Institution overwhelmingly with little or no qualifications, experience and know what it does for the work of a conservation center, environmental education, scientific research and animal welfare To verify, it would be enough to ask for this complete list of human resources and their professional history, "questions the judiciary 19659008] In addition, videos showing alarming situations and lack of maintenance have also started circulating yesterday. Enclosure of Mo invaded by badroaches and rats. "It is well known that these animals could be vectors of diseases, I do not know who filmed them, but there is no doubt that they were documented in the Ecoparque," he says. Is another situation to check to see if this situation persists. " the ecopark has dismissed that these videos are current, but justice has already begun to take letters in the subject. At first, Michienzi appointed a veterinarian of recognized trajectory to participate in the necropsy performed on the giraffe. This is Rosana Miatello, External Auditor, who was accompanied by Leonardo Ninatel, Director of the Chair of Pathology of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, provided by the Ministry of Environment and Health. 39 Public space.

The city's public prosecutor explained that he would not provide details of the investigation conducted by Michienzi until the end of the corresponding actions. Meanwhile, the bodies of the giraffe and rhinoceros are already buried in the old zoo, in the park where they lived, near the males Buddy and Gaspar.

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