The new regulation applied to the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona has already been pbaded to the BOP (Official Journal of the Province of Barcelona). A week after City Council, chaired by Ada Colau, gave the green light to the proposal focused on limiting VTC licenses in its control area and almost 4 months since the idea began to be raised, the main affected by the future reforms have already given their answer.

Uber and Cabify both expressed their refusal to accept this change in regulation. The Colau reform aims to include a new urban license that, among other things, exactly adjusts the 1/30 ratio in Barcelona. Accepting, exhaustively, what dictates the decision of the Supreme Court, this limitation would be imposed by lottery. Anyone who does not have a license to operate would be banned. For the various technology companies operating in Barcelona – and to a certain extent Madrid, where this authorization was also requested by the taxi industry – is a serious blow. Mariano Silveyra, of Cabify Spain, has already commented to these media that, to carry out this reform, the company should probably leave Barcelona. There would not be a sufficient critical mbad of licenses to make the company profitable.

For technologists, this situation was a direct affront. They argued that this decision did not fall within the competence of Barcelona City Council. To date, any regulation related to VTC licenses falls within the jurisprudence of the Ministry of Development or the Autonomous Communities . Hipertextual contacted said department and confirmed that, indeed, the regulations were so and that they would review the text approved by Colau. Other sources related to the institution confirmed that Fomento would overturn this decree

Whatever, and while Fomento is clarified with its cover, UNAUTO has already moved a record. The VTC management, which includes Uber and Cabify, appealed the AMB regulation (or Colau regulation) in which, according to the president, Eduardo Martín, there is clearly an excess of powers:

of a This regulation is particularly alarming because it prohibits more than 1,300 drivers from exercising their right to work, which is unusual not only in the field of transport but in any other economic activity. We want to remember that these professionals have been working in Barcelona for a few months or even years, with total normality. "

The badociation insists that all active operators strictly adhere to all sectoral requirements." They add, in addition, the controversial issue of the 1/30 report . the standard and criteria that taxis and UNAUTO defend respectively According to Article 181.3, explains the employers, there is no rule that requires respect for the proportion; 39. He recommends this figure.They argue that this circumstance is due, to a large extent, "to some interested sectors continue to attempt to confuse public opinion with this question."