Advances in California a law to consider employees to apply workers


The governor of California, Gavin NewsomHe has already declared himself in favor of the project and he is taken for granted that he signs it as soon as he arrives, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

It is estimated that it is only in this state that the standard will affect more than one million workers, which would start to have benefits such as holidays and sick leave (payments).

Local media emphasize that in recent years, many workers have been pushed into the picture of "subcontractors"without access to basic protections such as minimum wage and unemployment insurance.

These include transportation drivers, couriers, food distributors, janitors, nail care workers, construction workers and franchise owners, who could now be upgraded to the employee category.

The initiative, according to the New York Times, could influence other states, particularly New York, Washington and Oregon, where similar projects are promoted.

Opponents of the project say it will hurt people looking to work flexible hours, in addition to companies, who would launder their workers would increase costs by about 30%, according to estimates published today by chain. BBC

After the adoption of the bill, Uber and Lyft proposed to hold a referendum on the subject.

"We are very willing to subject this issue to California voters in order to preserve freedom and to have access to the drivers and pbadengers they want and need," he said in a statement. a joint communiqué.

The California initiative is supported by Democratic presidential candidates of the United States, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris


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