Aeronautical unions launched unemployment at the beginning of winter holidays –


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The United Aircraft Unions have announced the launch of a plan to fight against the rejection of the government's commercial air policy, which is already planning a shutdown on Friday, July 13th. , which would affect 83,000 pbadengers.

The SUA, which represents some 15,000 workers, denounces the "serious crimes" committed by the authorities and warns that "the applied policies make an uncertain future for the sector" because, according to them, "it degrades the operational security in "

The trade union force measure comes shortly after the government informed that as of August 15, the minimum reference rates will be eliminated for cabotage flights acquired 30 days late. , which means a reduction in the price of tickets as requested by the companies low cost

According to the unions informed through a joint statement, the Ministry of Transport "turned a deaf ear to the high demands, and instead they decided to give ground with all the commitments made in their opportunity. "

Among the clauses and undertakings of the SUA include:

· Tariff Band
· Downing Flag Group – Absence of Public Enterprise Plan
· Revenues of D & # 39; enterprise under collective labor agreements
· Require foreign companies that make investments in national subsidiaries
· Respect for reciprocity in bilateral agreements
· Amendment of aeronautical regulations and degradation of security
· Release of services

At the announcement of the elimination Minister Dietrich said that the initiative "seeks that more and more of 39; Argentineans can have access to the interior of the country, promoting the growth of the commercial sector and better connectivity "and believes that" pbadengers will find more deals with a better price and will increase the s promotions in the season and in low occupancy flights ". For guilds, this will involve a lower level of security.

The Argentine Aircraft Association (AAA), headed by Moyanista Juan Pablo Brey, has not yet announced its adhesion to the event. The Secretary of Youth of the CGT is one of the regiment leaders in Moyano's war against the government, despite the fact that two years ago the seal which gathers the 3,700 members of the council of AAA administration and hostesses do not participate in United Aeronautics Group Meetings

According to data from the ENEA's Argentine air navigation last June, 650 flights take off and arrive, including 519 cabotage and 283 international flights. In total, Friday, some 83,000 pbadengers are transported.

Source: Ámbito.

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