Aeroparque is only for cabotage | As part of the p …


International flights from Aeroparque Jorge Newbery Airport have ceased, with the exception of those bound for the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, in accordance with the second phase of the deregionalisation ordered by the Ministry of Transport . Whatever the case may be, the measure will not produce any major changes in the daily movement, since it is only about 28 daily flights, out of a total of 390 recorded operations. every day at the metropolitan terminal. On some days, the drop in flights is just over 7%, which drops to 3%, when international flights range from 22 to 23 per day.

The fact that some airlines, such as Gol, have already transferred their services ten days ago to Ezeiza and that others, such as Paranair, which flies to Asunción del Paraguay, had only four weekly services at Aeroparque. On the first day of the application of the measure, the movement of pbadengers in the central hall was practically usual on a Monday, although it was noted a decrease in activity in the area of ​​arrivals and boarding international organizations, particularly in the airport sector. migrations, in the Free Shop and in the bar of the international boarding hall, with far fewer tables occupied than a week ago.

The decrease in the number of pbadengers is due to the fact that there were only three flights of the company Austral and an international operation to the same destination, Amazonas. The rest of the services will be operated from Ezeiza Airport, while low cost airlines such as Flybondi and JetSmart will continue their operations in Asunción and Santiago de Chile, respectively, from the beginning of the year. El Palomar airport.

It is estimated that the international Aeroparque sector will undergo building modifications due to the fact that the current infrastructure is excessive for the movement that will now be registered. The modifications will be in line with the restructuring initiated in Aeroparque's B and C sectors, which will be demolished to make way for new positions for the aircraft and a new building that will occupy part of the current northern parking lot.

Until now, Aeroparque had 38 frequencies from Aerolíneas Argentinas to nine destinations, while Latam had regional flights to Santiago, Chile, San Pablo and Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian Gol had already stopped working for ten days, with flights to San Pablo, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro. Paranair, on the other hand, had only one flight to Asunción del Paraguay. Aerolineas Argentinas announced that it would add an average of 56 flights a day from Ezeiza, which would serve Ezeiza from Cordoba, Mendoza, Salta, Mar del Plata, Bariloche, El Calafate, Iguazu, Trelew, Rosario, Tucuman and Ushuaia. .


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