Afghan resistance leader urged to continue fighting across Afghanistan against Taliban


Ahmad Massoud, son of the Afghan hero and leader of the resistance in Panjshir (Reuters)
Ahmad Massoud, son of the Afghan hero and leader of the resistance in Panjshir (Reuters)

The leader of the National Resistance Front (NRF), Ahmad Massoud, called this Monday at a uprising across Afghanistan against the Taliban and affirmed that they are still present in the northern province of Panjshir, after the Islamist formation announced the conquest of the last bastion of resistance.

Wherever you are, both inside and outside the country, we ask you to stand up in resistance for the dignity, integrity and freedom of our country.Massoud said in an audio message shared on the NRF’s official Facebook and Twitter pages.

The Afghan resistance leader added that NRF stands alongside “those who decide to take up arms” against the Taliban.

“For those who decide to resort to demonstrations, we will be by your side, we will join you and declare our support for your fight“, added Massoud, son of the late Afghan commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, “the lion of Panjshir”, a legend for standing up to the Soviets and the Taliban.

The resistance leader also criticized the international community for being “fully responsible” for facilitating the Taliban’s seizure of power after the hasty departure of US troops and NATO last August.


The resistance was led by Massoud and former Afghan Vice President Amrullah Saleh, the self-proclaimed new President of Afghanistan after former President Ashraf Ghani fled the country during the takeover of Kabul on August 15.

The call for a national uprising against the insurgent formation comes the same day the Taliban claimed to have conquered the northern province of Panjshir. It is the only one of the 34 Afghan regions not to have fallen into the hands of the Islamists, although precise information on the fighting in this region of northern Afghanistan has been severely limited amid a total cut-off of communications.

However, opposition troops have denied that this last bastion of insurgent resistance has fallen and claimed they are still present in the area in “strategic positions”.

Hundreds of people demonstrated in the streets of various cities in Afghanistan on Tuesday in support of resistance against the Taliban and to criticize neighboring Pakistan’s alleged support for Panjshir’s military achievements.

The protests that echoed in several Afghan cities began after Massoud’s call for an uprising. In the town of Acceptance hundreds of people took to the streets with flags and banners to claim “freedom” and their support for the National Resistance Front in Panjshir, shouting “stop the war, stop the war”, and “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great).

Protests in Kabul also rejected Pakistan's alleged support for the Taliban (Reuters)
Protests in Kabul also rejected Pakistan’s alleged support for the Taliban (Reuters)

The march even challenged the presence of Taliban fighters, who have controlled Kabul since August 15, after conquering nearly every province in the country in a lightning attack.

On Tuesday, Ahmad Wali Massoud, uncle of the chief and brother of the late commander, reaffirmed that the Taliban did not defeat the organized resistance to Panjshir and only took the road which gives access to this area.

The Taliban arrived with foreign terrorists and took a road in Panjshir, but no one thinks that because they took the road they took in Panjshir, they did not.Ahmad Wali Masud Masud said at a conference in Geneva.

He also assured that this province is full of valleys of difficult access where his brother established his headquarters and from which he led the resistance against the Soviet invasion in the 70s, against the communist regime in the 80s and against the Taliban in the second part. nineties.

(With information from EFE)


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