Afghanistan: Kabul airport attack “high threat” | The US, UK and Australia have asked to evacuate the area


The US, UK and Australia cautioned against “High terrorist threat” at Kabul airport, in Afghanistan, and advised the thousands of people trying to get there for evacuation to leave the area.

“Do not go to Kabul airport”

“Do not go to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul,” the British Foreign Office wrote on its website Wednesday evening.

“There is a high and permanent threat of terrorist attack ”, he stressed, while thousands of Afghans still crowd around the airport in an attempt to flee the country which has fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

“If you are in the airport area, leave it in a safe place and wait for further instructions,” added British diplomacy. “If you can leave Afghanistan by other safe means, do so immediately.”

The warnings were exceptionally specific: people “who are at the entrances to the abbey, east and north, should leave immediately,” the US State Department said, noting “security threats” without giving further details. .

The Australian Foreign Office for its part referred to a “very high threat of terrorist attack”. As in London, Australia advised against going to the airport and, to those already present, “go to a safe place and wait for further information”.

Evacuations in Afghanistan

The Taliban pledged to let Americans and Afghans “at risk” leave the country following the withdrawal of American troops on August 31, announced Wednesday Antony Blinken, the head of American diplomacy.

“The Taliban have made public and private commitments to provide and enable safe passage for Americans, third country nationals and Afghans in danger from August 31,” he said at a conference. press in Washington.

At least eight people died at the airport in recent days.

Belgium announced on Wednesday that it had ended its evacuation operations from Kabul airport.


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