Afghanistan: municipal workers to be replaced by men | The Ministry of Women has been replaced by the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice


Since this Monday, Afghan women working in the civil service will have to leave their posts, which will be filled by men. We also doubt what will happen to women in the field of education, since male teachers and students were ordered to return to classes, but not women.

Although having promised a milder version of the regime introduced between 1996 and 2001, the Radical Islamists continue to curtail women’s freedoms, a month after taking power in Afghanistan.

“She could be dead,” lamented a woman expelled from her post at the Foreign Ministry. “I was in charge of an entire department and there were a lot of women working with me. Now we have all lost our jobs,” he told AFP, which he requested anonymity. for fear of reprisals.

The acting mayor of Kabul said that municipal jobs held by women will now have to be taken over by men.

The announcement comes as the Education Department ordered the male teachers and students return to secondary schools but not to mention the teachers and students.

The Taliban cthe former Ministry of Women was wrong on Friday, implemented by the previous government, which will be replaced by another aimed at strengthening religious doctrine.

Government without women

The new Taliban government announced two weeks ago that there would be no women in the cabinet.

Afghan women have acquired many rights over the past 20 years, becoming judges, pilots, members of parliament or police officers. Hundreds of thousands of them have entered the labor market.

Taliban say women are advised to stay indoors for their own safety, but that They will be allowed to work once the separation rules are in place.

“And when will that happen?” asked a teacher on Monday. “This has already happened the last time. They say we’ll be allowed to go back to work, but it never happened.”

During the former Taliban regime, women were largely excluded from public life and They were not allowed to leave their homes except in the company of a male relative.

Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue

Friday in Kabul on Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in the building where the former Ministry of Women’s Affairs operated.

This Sunday, A dozen women briefly protested outside the building but dispersed when Taliban officials appeared.

In Herat, an education sector official insisted that the The return of students and teachers to schools is a matter of time, not of politics. “We don’t know when that will happen: tomorrow, next week, next month, we don’t know,” Shahabudin Saqib said.


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