Afghanistan: Taliban announce amnesty but block exit from airport


Afghanistan spends his second day under control Taliban, with a government which, according to the chronicles of correspondents in the Middle East, seeks to differentiate itself from the atrocious regime it was able to apply to women and dissidents in its previous period in power, between 1996 and 2001.

After the President’s flight Achraf Ghani, after the gradual withdrawal of american troops, the Taliban forcibly occupied I accept, the capital of the country, and position themselves at the head of the government. This action panicked thousands of Afghans and attempted to flee the country. At least 7 people died after being hanged from the fuselage of a military aircraft, which took off and threw them into the void.

Afghanistan: the most unusual images of the Taliban on their return to power

the taliban government He responded to this chaotic climate with gestures of moderation in his first hours in power. According to the Chilean correspondent in Kabul, Jorge says, “Taliban groups are in a good mood, trying to show another side.”

“At the hotel, the Taliban took submachine guns and rifles from the security guards. Now the guards are us, they were told, ”explained the journalist in dialogue with Maria laura santillan for CNN Morning (CNN Radio).

Said portrayed the geopolitical picture that recurred after the Taliban came to the Afghan government. “They are very active Pakistan Yes China, who are the winners of this war. This gives Pakistan another allied regional power, heavily armed and enormous military power, “he said, as”Russia She is also involved because of the fear that republics above, such as Uzbekistan, they can be targets of attacks ”.


The specialist reported that at present there are around 250,000 refugees near the airport and both women and men ethnic minorities they are the main concern. “We will see with the next celebration of the Shiites, which the Taliban hate. They hate this minority, with traits Mongolian“He warned.

Amnesty and signal to the women of the Taliban regime

With the intention of asserting itself in power, the Taliban group which took I accept announced that he would offer a general amnesty to his opponents.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with absolute dignity and honesty, announced a full amnesty for all Afghanistan, especially for those who were with the opposition or supported the occupiers for years or recently, ”said the leader of the Taliban. Enamullah Samangani.


In this sense, he sent a message to the women he described as “the main victims of more than 40 years of crisis in Afghanistan,” the channel reported. BBC.

“The Islamic Emirate don’t want it women continue to be victims, “he said, to assert later. according to Islamic law and our cultural values,” he added.

Is oppression coming back? Concerns about the situation of women under Taliban control in Afghanistan

The position of Islamic newcomers to power in Afghanistan It contrasts with the skepticism of the populations who coexisted under his mandate towards the end of the 20th century.

The elderly remember the group’s ultra-conservative Islamic view, which imposed restrictions and punishments on women, including stoning, amputations and executions, until they were overthrown by an invasion led by United States.

Violence at Kabul Airport

With hundreds of thousands of Afghans near the kabul international airport, Taliban soldiers attempted to control the situation on their second day of return to power in Afghanistan.

According to a report by the journalist Wajahat kazmi on his Twitter account, “horrible scenes” were experienced in front of the international airport. “The Pentagon says that so far there are no threats or hostilities in Afghanistan from the Taliban. A good omen, to say the least, positive, ”he wrote on the other hand. The message reflects the ambiguity that the Asian country is experiencing at the moment.

The spokesperson for United Nations High Commissioner for the Human rights, Michelle bachelet, evoked both the promises of the Taliban and the fear of the population. “Such promises must be honored, and for now – understandable given the history – these statements have been met with skepticism,” he said. Rupert colville it is a statement.


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