Afghanistan: Taliban repressed protest against tricolor | They fired to disperse the demonstrators


The Taliban on Wednesday cracked down on hundreds of Afghans demonstrating in favor of maintaining the Afghan flag, instead of replacing it with the white flag which bears the declaration of Islamic faith and which represents the insurgents and their Islamic emirate.

The protests took place this morning in the streets of Jalalabad, capital of Nangahar province, one of the last cities to fall into the hands of the Taliban.

“Protests in the city of Jalalabad in favor of the national flag. The Taliban have shot at protesters and beat up photojournalists,” he reported on the Afghan news agency Pajhwok.

Videos of the repression in Afghanistan

As we have seen in several videos that circulated on social networks, the demonstrators who marched peacefully holding flags they were dispersed by gunfire supposedly coming from the Taliban, causing chaos and injury.

The Afghanistan Flag Dispute

After the capture of Kabul on Sunday by the Taliban, after a rapid offensive which in just over a week led them to conquer 33 of the 34 Afghan provincial capitals, including Jalalabad, Many Afghans were surprised that the insurgents initially kept the Afghan tricolor.

The Afghan tricolor waving gesture in Kabul was important to Afghans, after Across much of the country, the Taliban will raise the white flag inscribed with the Shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith.

“The flag has been the symbol of Afghan identity for two decades, I hope the Taliban will not change it and lower this flag, millions of Afghans love it from the bottom of their hearts,” said a citizen of Kabul, in statements to the agency. EFE.

However, the Taliban’s white flag appeared yesterday during the first public press conference of the main spokesman for the insurgents, Zabihulla Mujahid.


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