AFIP has defined that reimbursements will be paid in five installments


The benefits will begin to be seen in the next recipes since this week the AFIP regulations which have finished implementing the changes will be published in the Official Journal.

The bonus will not pay income tax

As established by the law which amended the tax, and as the new non-taxable minimum of 150 thousand dollars begins to apply from June, the half-premium will also not be reached by the tribute for the workers of the fourth category.

“The regulation of the income tax change will provide relief with June wages and will also reach the Christmas bonus,” Mercedes Marcó del Pont said.

“More than 1,200,000 people with salaries of up to 150,000 pesos will stop paying taxes. The law promoted by the ruling party allows only 1 in 10 dependent workers to be affected by taxes, ”he said.

Who will stop paying income tax

Official sources explained that the organization’s general resolution “must avoid the labyrinths that lay around the text of the law to ensure the extent of the benefits.”

Finally, once the AFIP regulations have been published, Workers earning up to $ 150,000 gross and retirees earning up to eight minimum wages will be exempt from income tax.

“The additional disposable income for male and female workers is around 50,000 million pesos. The measure increases the consumption capacity of the middle class, ”said Marcó del Pont.

In this sense, he confirmed that “Anyone who earns up to 150,000 pesos will have no withholding and those between 150,000 and 173,000 will see a reduction in the tax burden.”

In addition, the law provides that wages above $ 173,000 gross will continue to pay the same values ​​as of January 1, when the Non-Taxable Minimum was updated by 35%.

On the other hand, The changes will also affect the current law on common-law couples. Until today, the law allows the spouse to deduct. However, the new proposal envisages extending this right to de facto spouse, regardless of sex. The ruling party clarified that this point had been developed with a strong impact on the gender perspective.

In addition, an article has been added which maintains the benefit of the “22% extra” in the Patagonia region but with a lower tax burden than the rest of the taxpayers, which “will benefit approximately 83,500 employees and retirees”.

On the other hand, it was excluded from the payment of earnings from reimbursement of childcare expenses for sons and daughters up to 3 years, with an amount of up to $ 67,000 per year.

The provision of work clothes, equipment for exclusive use in the workplace and the granting or payment of training courses were also excluded from the payment of the tax. Article 111 establishes that money received for fuel vouchers, accommodation, leisure or rest travel, payment of family group education expenses or other similar concepts are covered by the income tax. Income.

The deduction paid for a disabled child will also be doubled. Currently, it is $ 78,833 per year and, at the express request of union representatives, this amount will be doubled for each disabled son, daughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

Finally, The exemption that expired in December so that healthcare workers do not pay income tax for the overtime they work due to the coronavirus pandemic has been extended until September 20 and that it was approved by Congress in May of last year.

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