After 13 hours of power outage, power supply was restored throughout the country.


A gigantic and historic This blackout occurred Sunday throughout the country, with the exception of Tierra del Fuego, as a result of a "collapse of the Argentine interconnection system (SADI)", which also touched Uruguay and part of Brazil. By 20, the service was already 98% standardized.

The breakdown of the network causing the breakdown at national level is due to a transport connection electricity between the power stations of Yacyretá and Salto Grande, in the Litoral: this activates the protections of the power plants which broke down and caused a power cut.

"This morning, there was a power outage all over the country due to a failure of the Litoral transport system, of which causes that we can not yet specify. We work so that everyone can have energy as quickly as possible. This is an unpublished case, which will be the subject of a thorough investigation, "said President Mauricio Macri via his Twitter account.

In the midst of the rain, darkness and Father's Day, citizens of different provinces began reporting to TN and the people cuts with photos, videos and phrases.

The area coordinated by Gustavo Lopetegui warned in his morning statement that the restoration of energy would delay "a few hours". The regions of Cuyo, NOA and Patagonia were the first to return to normal: between 18:30, Edesur and Edenor announced that they managed to restore the entire electrical service in the city of Buenos Aires and in the city. agglomeration of Buenos Aires. .

However, trains and subways took a few more hours to get back to normal. Among the problems generated by the mbadive blackout are public transit systems, as well as the distribution of drinking water and traffic lights.

In the open, the provinces of San Luis, Formosa and Santa Fe held their provincial elections: despite this, the electoral law It has developed normally. Elections also took place in Tierra del Fuego, the only district not to be affected by the generalized court.

Some stores across the country have taken advantage of Father's Day to sell their products. Despite the lack of electricity, they had emergency lighting equipment and were able to sell, but they could not of course accept debit or credit cards.

Why was the light cut off?

SADI is the electricity transmission network that, since 2006, connects high voltage lines to the main Argentinian power stations with end users.

Each energy generating facility has automatic protection called Automatic Generation Disconnection (DAG). By skipping this automatic protection begins to fall in dominoes the whole system.

In this sense, the spokesmen of Yacyretá affirmed that the cut "is foreign to the power plant", after the state secretary for Energy, in charge of Gustavo Lopetegui, issued Sunday a second declaration in which he had informed that the blackout would have been caused "for a failure" in this factory.

The government inquiry

From the executive they do not know the reasons Secretary of Energy Gustavo Lopetegui, said that "within 48 hours" will have a first report on the situation.

Treasury, the national leader explained that what had happened it was "abnormal and extraordinary", At the same time, he pointed out that the badumption of cyberattack "is not one of the main" that are treated.

Accompanied by the director of Transener, Carlos García Pereira, and the director of Cammesa, Jorge Ruíz Soto, the energy secretary warned that "if there are officials, sanctions will be imposed".

"There was no warning, there is no possibility of warning. There is no human intervention. We do not have more information yet. There is a protocol in the regulatory framework to badyze errors. Companies have to submit a report from this Cammesa that will badyze the sending of electricity and we will know why this extraordinary event has occurred, "said Lopetegui.

Finally, he revealed that President Mauricio Macri "followed minute by minute" what was happening and that he remained "in touch" with energy officials.

Criticism of the opposition

The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, explanations claimed to President Mauricio Macri for "the biggest breakdown in history", and questioned the increases in" sidereal sums with which the friends of power benefit "."Give the Argentinean light"he asked.

"The president should make a statement and Give explanations about what the Argentineans are suffering. This requires a sense of responsibility and knowledge of what is happening in the country, "said the former chief of staff.

Millions of Argentines, who had to pay sidereal sums at advantageous rates for friends of power, are still waiting for the energy to return to their homes.

Only six days ago, they boasted of having "exported energy". Return the light in the houses of the Argentines.

– Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) June 16, 2019

In his Twitter account, he stated that they had "increased fares as much as their friends have claimed and generated the biggest power outage in history". "This is not Venezuela. It is Argentina. It's time to realize, "said the presidential candidate.

The leader of the Renovation Front, Sergio Mbada, has also joined the wave of criticism. "The officials" of the government go to "give explanations" to Congress for the effects of the mbadive reduction in energy supply that, for hours, left the country without light, with the exception of the province of Tierra del Fuego.

"The makers of the electrical system, the energy, the CAMESSA, have to go to Congress tomorrow (Monday) to explain such a disaster," said the former national deputy on his Twitter account.


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