After 13 months, in Spain, they can go out without a chin strap


After 401 days, from this Saturday the Spaniards can be at outdoors without chin strap, although they will have to use it if the safety distance cannot be maintained, and also in the interiors, as decided last Thursday by the Iberian government.

Like what happens to receive every new year, but in this case on Friday at midnight in mid-June there was a countdown in the Sun Gate from Madrid. Although this time it was dedicated to revolutionary barbijos: dozens of young people they screamed 10 to zero before ripping them off and throwing them in the air.

The Spanish Minister of Health, Caroline Darias, justified the decision of vaccination advance against the coronavirus and by the recommendation of experts. “It is a measure which brings us closer to normality, with caution,” he said.

Although the use of the chinstrap outdoors is no longer mandatory in Spain, people should still have it on hand if they cannot stay within the meter and a half distance. (Photo: Reuters / Susana Vera)

However, people they should have on hand your mask, since its use continues to be mandatory in the public transport, in some places closed and outside, if there is a crowd and you cannot keep a distance of one and a half meters between one person and another. “We have to wear the chin strap even if we don’t always use it,” the Spanish official explained.

For their part, sports stadiums will come back to normal at the start of the 2021-22 season of the Spanish league of soccer and the ACB of basketball and they will be able to receive the even influx of public they had before the pandemic, according to Darias announced. However, here you will also have to use a chin strap in case the distance cannot be maintained on the outside or if it is on the inside.

A young man celebrates at midnight on Friday at Puerta del Sol in Madrid that the use of the chinstrap outdoors is no longer compulsory in Spain. (Photo: EFE / Rodrigo Jiménez)

In addition, he aspires to relax the limitations current in the access to the buildings of the airports, Until now, only people with their tickets, people working in these places, security forces and organs and inspection agents were allowed.

Since the start of the pandemic in Spain, they have been confirmed 3,757,442 infections, and 80,652 died people. In turn, there is a cumulative incidence of 92 cases per 100,000 population, a figure that has not changed in recent days. According to official data from the country’s health portfolio, in the past few hours, 4,924 new cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed and 13 deaths have been recorded.

As for the national vaccination campaign, it has already reached half of the inoculated population at least one dose and 15 million people have been immunized with the complete diet.

Among the most worrying situations is that of the Catalonia, where virus transmission is steadily increasing. Also in Andalusia, the incidence remains almost double the national rate (169.21 per 100,000 inhabitants)


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