After 130 years of mystery, they would have found the tomb of the man to the elephant


A series of documents from the Victorian era determine how "99% safe" than soft tissues of Merrick would be buried in a London cemetery, next to the Epping Forestaccording to researcher Jo Vigor-Mungovin.

For 130 years, the fate of the remains of "man to elephants" is a mystery, in the middle of the dispute over the possible burial of his skeleton, that the doctors broke away soft tissues after his untimely death in 1890 for a supposed scientific purpose.

Joseph Merrick Elephant Man

Currently, the skeleton is part of a collection of pieces of historical anatomy at the London School of Medicine at Queen Mary University. But a public campaign requires the transfer of the remains to his hometown, Leicester, and his burial in this city.

The request was initiated by a granddaughter of the business man who exposed Merrick in a shop in exchange for an entry. The fame of this man reached its peak in 1887, when Princess Alexandra of Wales visited him and sent Christmas cards to him.

But the multiple deformities that affected his face, back and limbs continued to progress He died of suffocation while sleeping. Modern medicine has confirmed the origin of its pathology, but the main version is that it was a conbad disease, Proteus syndrome.


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