After 35 days by boat, the Argentine cherries arrived in China


Argentine cherries arrived for the Chinese New Year

It is the Chinese New Year and eight containers of fresh cherries from southern Argentina have just arrived on Chinese soil after leaving Argentina on January 9th.

After a long boat trip, the cargoes of the companies Cerezas Argentinas SA and Frutos de los Lagos, Rio Negro and Chubut landed with six other containers of Patagonian producers.

This is the beginning of the opening of this market, where the realization of this expedition constitutes "a true milestone in the history of Argentine cherry production".

"Our goal is to continue to work so that our cherries are one of the most exported fruits of the country," said Adolfo Storni, president of Cerezas Argentinas and Frutos de los Lagos.

Unloading in the port of Argentine cherries
Unloading in the port of Argentine cherries

The executive highlighted the investments made in rain cover, the use of advanced machinery and the consolidation of work teams. "A year full of challenges and demands awaits us, Chinese customers are eager to receive our fruits," he said.

For his part, Matías Notti, commercial director of companies, expressed his satisfaction "to have been the main driver of the opening of the Asian market with the supply of the first fruit in contact with the Chinese authorities and what later became the signing of the phytosanitary protocol between the two countries. "

"This effort is now represented by the Patagonian producer group and has materialized with the successful arrival of shipping containers a few days ago," he explained.

"Today, we are more than proud to be the only ones to have their own cameras licensed by the Chinese government for processing the origin of the fruits, which has allowed us to" officially inaugurate the big Chinese market, "said Notti.

The export began to flow when, last December, at the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Mauricio Macri, under the G20, the Chinese President gave the green light for the opening of this market with Argentine cherries.


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