After 38, two mothers found out their daughters had been traded over nurses’ mistake


Two Russian women discovered that their daughters were amended 38 years ago because of an error of the nurses. As far as is known, when the two daughters were born, the labels with the names of the babies were said to have been detached and repositioned incorrectly.

Vasilya Baimurzina gave birth Alyona at the maternity ward of Kizilskoye, in Russia. The same day, Valentina baulina did it with Gulsina. Due to the mistake of the staff working there, Vasilya took Gulsina back to her home, and Valentina took Alyona away.

Vasilya Baimurzina (left) and Valentina Baulina (right). Photo: CNTV)

After years of speculation that their daughter might not be theirs, Vasilya and Valentina agreed to have a DNA test which revealed that her daughters had been changed at birth.

What made you the most suspicious of his identity? The difference between every daughter and her mother in terms of physical characteristics.

Alyona is completely brunette, a characteristic that she shares with Vasilya, her birth mother. Gulsina, for her part, is a blonde with light eyes, like Valentina, her real mother.

“When I was 12, I first heard conversations between my parents that I wasn’t theirs. Then I found some information about who my real parents might be and went to visit this program for help, ”Alyona told Baimurzins, an NTV talk show.


Vasilya, for her part, participated in the program looking for a DNA test, after refusing to believe that Gulsina was not his daughter.

The program was responsible for collecting the data, advancing the test, and summoning the four women for a special program in which the results. On the show, as the results were read, the four began to cry with excitement. It has been revealed that Vasilya is in fact Alyona’s biological mother and Valentina is Gulsina’s biological mother.

Valentina said to her biological daughter, “Honey! My Sunshine! “

Guslina’s sister was also present in the program. She said that for a long time she suspected that Guslina it was not his biological sister as believed. “There was always something that wasn’t closing on me, she’s blonde with light eyes and I’m completely dark.”

The two families are said to have decided to be friends and have a warm relationship.

Alyona (left) and Gulsina (right). (Photo: CNTV)

After this fact, the current director of the hospital, Alla Vasilyeva, issued a formal apology to mothers, but said staff members involved at the time are no longer alive.

She also said she was not sure how the baby name tags could have been detached and improperly repositioned.


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