After a new day of chaos in Ecuador, the indigenous movement agreed to dialogue


The organization reconsidered its initial refusal and agreed to a face-to-face meeting with the president to discuss "the repeal or revision of the decree". on economic reforms, after more than a week of protests that have left five dead and nearly 2,000 wounded and detained.

On Friday, Moreno deemed "indispensable to end the violence" and invited the Conaie to "find solutions" against the leaders' call to radicalize acts after the failure of a first attempt reconciliation at the request of the UN and the Catholic Church.

However, the indigenous movement said the proposal lacked "credibility", insisting that it would only sit "when the decree abolishing subsidies and raising fuel prices until the end of the year. 123% has been repealed. "

This Saturday, the Indians, this time led by women, went to march in the context of new events and the riots had been reactive.

Protesters threw stones and pyrotechnics at the men in uniform, who responded with tear gas and rubber shells.

Roads and roadblocks were already causing lack of water, food and fuel in many provinces.


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