After a strange step at the top, they deny the drunkard of the President of the European Commission


The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, suffered from a sciatica crisis on Wednesday evening at the NATO summit, said Friday the spokesman for the Commission, denying the Drunkenness rumors of Juncker.

A video, very commented on social networks, shows the Luxembourg leader, 63 years old, walking in a precarious and precarious way alongside other European leaders, during the official reception in Brussels for the NATO Summit.

These images have sparked much speculation about whether the president of the European Commission was under the influence of alcohol.

Juncker " publicly acknowledged that his sciatica made it difficult for him to walk." night "badured the spokesman of the Commission, Margaritis Schinas at a press conference in Brussels

" The President wants to publicly thank the Prime Ministers (Dutch) Mark Rutte and (Portuguese) Antonio Costa, for having helped at this painful moment, he is taking medicine and now he is better "added Schinas.

When Asked if Juncker was drunk, the commission spokesman said that " it was in bad taste that some media make insulting headlines taking advantage of the pain " of the President of the European Commission.

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