After a week of the start of historic protests in Cuba, Miami exiles continue to demonstrate against dictatorship


Cubans demonstrate in Miami against Communist dictatorship
Cubans demonstrate in Miami against Communist dictatorship

The iconic Versailles restaurant in Little Havana. it was again the epicenter of Hundreds of Cubans living in the city of Miami will demonstrate again this Sunday against Castro’s dictatorship on the island, a week after the start of the massive protests against the Communist regime in Cuba.

Since Sunday, July 11, the Cubans have taken a historic step in their political struggle by revealing themselves in a way never seen before against the oppression exercised by the regime of dictator Miguel Diaz-Canel on the citizens of the island.

The lack of assistance in the face of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in a country that wanted to be sold by the dictatorship as a power in health matters, revealed the failure of the socialist system in place since 1959 and that it has stranded Cuban citizens in backwardness and misery, who continue to be forced to put their lives in danger when they try to flee the communist crisis in makeshift rafts into exile in countries like United States.

The excuse of the “trade embargo” of the United States is no longer an argument that the Cubans equate to the cause of the hardships experienced on the Caribbean island, so they began to demand a change in the political system by shouting “Fatherland, Life and Freedom!”.

All this with the support and support of Cubans living in the United States who continue to demonstrate day after day, to demand that the government of Joe Biden conduct an international collation to intervene to stop the persecution and repression of the dictatorship against the citizens. from the island. who have been demonstrating peacefully for a week.

Cubans continue to voice their rejection of the repression of the communist dictatorship on the island
Cubans continue to voice their rejection of the crackdown on the communist dictatorship on the island

“The San Isidro barracks stirred up the Cuban people in exile, an emotion so great that there is no explanation; and when these large-scale protests occur on the island, the exile is emotionally fully prepared to spend up to three months protesting until the dictatorship falls. “he said to Miami Herald from Miami, one of the protesters who identified himself as Luis Eligio D. Omni.

“The real intervention is what the Cuban people do, take to the streets, this is what the Cuban exile does to stay upright. Now is the time to end the dictatorship “Omni added.

The protests in Cuba had the support not only of exiles from the island but also of hundreds of Venezuelans who had to flee their country for the same critical reasons created in the Caribbean country by the socialist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro.

“Cuba has woken up. No matter how many years have passed, we as Venezuelans are going through this too. Today we are here to give our support to the Cubans on the island and do not feel alone “, denounced a Venezuelan protester, Rosaura Sanz.

Cubans in Miami
Cubans in Miami

“This manifestation that you see here is love, affection, respect and we don’t care about our color, we are all the same. That is why we must fight for a single flag, the flag of the freedom”said the Venezuelan to Miami Herald.

Several Cuban activists in Miami assure that the protests on the island continued after a week, despite the regime maintaining internet and electricity cuts as well as restrictions on various social networks so that these events do not take place. generalize or become both national and international knowledge, as happened last Sunday.

“People continued to demonstrate despite the repression. Yesterday (Saturday) we learned that the protests were continuing in Cárdenas. It is a clear sign that the people are still standing and will continue ”he told him Miami Herald Omar López Montegro, Director of Human Rights at the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF).

“Cuba is in an undeclared state of siege or emergency, while the repressive forces continue to organize raids, terrorize and loot homes to detain protesters with discretion and violence.”, he denounced.


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