After a week of threats, Trump confirmed he had reached an agreement with Mexico


WASHINGTON.- The President of the United States,

Donald Trump

, said today that
He suspended indefinitely the tariffs with which he had threatened Mexico after concluding a "signed agreement" on immigration.

"I am happy to inform you that the United States of America has an agreement with Mexico," Trump said on Twitter, "the tariffs that the United States was to apply Monday against Mexico, by this means , are suspended indefinitely ".

"Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to end the wave of migration across Mexico and our southern border, in order to reduce or eliminate immigration to a large extent. from Mexico to the United States, "he added.

… stem the tide of migration across Mexico and up to our southern border. This is done to significantly reduce, if not eliminate, illegal immigration from Mexico and the United States. The details of the agreement will be published shortly by the State Department. Thank you! & – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 8, 2019

Trump's announcement put an end to the uncertainties generated by the president's own threats and the negotiations against the US clock with Mexico to avoid the imposition of a general 5% tariff on all products pbading north of the border by the Rio Bravo.

Before the tour announced by the president, his spokesman, Sarah Sanders, had baderted that the position of the United States had not changed. "A lot of progress has been made, the meetings went well, but for the moment, we are still on the way to tariffs from Monday," he said.

In an overview of the solution that he has communicated today, Trump himself pointed out that there was "a good chance" to reach an agreement. "If we reach an agreement with Mexico – and there is a good chance it will – they will immediately start buying agricultural and agricultural products at very high levels," Trump wrote on Twitter.

US and Mexican negotiators continued yesterday's talks in Washington, which, if unsuccessful, would have caused damage to both economies and scared investors already worried about the hostilities between Washington and Beijing. Last week, Trump promised to impose a 5% tariff on all goods from Mexico since June 10.

The United States is Mexico's largest trading partner: 80% of its shipments go to the world's largest economy. Analysts had warned that if the new tariffs were to be taxed, the Mexican economy – the second largest in Latin America – would go into recession.

AMLO celebrates the agreement

The President of Mexico,

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

, celebrated today the migration agreement between his government and the United States, which suspends customs duties on Mexican exports.

"I see that the relations between Mexico and the United States have not been broken, the parties have not left the table and it is a good sign," said the president. Mexican, Lopez Obrador. "There is a dialogue and an agreement can be reached, I am an optimist," he added.

López Obrador, however, said that it was a mistake for the United States to link the problem of migration to trade.

Thanks to the support of all Mexicans, it was possible to avoid the imposition of customs duties on Mexican products exported to the United States. Marcelo Ebrard will give the details of the arrangement; Whatever it is, we will meet to celebrate tomorrow in Tijuana at 5pm. – Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_)
June 8, 2019

Reuters and AP agencies


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