After Angela Merkel's new jerks, questions about her health and her political future multiply


"I'm making progress, I have to live with it for a while, but it's okay, there is no reason to worryAngela Merkel pointed out the spasms that afflicted her this Wednesday in public.

Dressed in a blue jacket, the Chancellor stood next to her Finnish couple as the official anthems of both countries rang when she was beginning to tremble very visibly. His arms, bust and legs were shaking, until he walked again.

Even if Angela Merkel wants to calm us down, everyone is wondering what will happen to this European rock who Three weeks had three spasms throughout his body during official ceremonies.

Merkel attributed the first to the lack of water, the second to fear that another attack would occur and that his attempts to control it, and the third, to the consequences of the previous two, say almost nothing.

In any case, the symptoms of tremors are so vague that no one in the medical world is encouraged to make a definitive diagnosis. There are symptoms ranging from psychosomatic tremor to signs of Parkinson's disease.

Merkel has always been admired for her extraordinary physical strength: between 14 and 16 hours a day, every day of the week, she gets involved in her work with moments of intense tension, but her serene and modest style does not never let go.

There is, however, a kind of disproportionate arrogance in the belief that this extraordinary effort for her, the rock of Europe, can not affect her.

TheThe chancellor's health is taboo in official circles and even the German press questions with a surprising discretion on the future of this woman who maintains as much as she brings to this country and even to this continent.

In a week, Angela Merkel will be 65 years old and many are wondering what would be Germany and Europe without this discreet woman who, until now, had never, ever, lost control.

In power since 2005, at the head of an unstable coalition, Merkel will retire from politics at the end of his term in 2021.

The head of government is always accompanied by a doctor and a medical badistant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when she travels to international summits or during state visits.

By Sergio Correa


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