After arguing with his wife, he walked 300 miles to “clear his mind.”


A 48-year-old man walked more than 450 kilometers after arguing with his wife, in order to “clear his mind”.

The walker was seen by local police in Funo, Bologna, Italy, according to Italian media outlet II Resto del Carlino. Police were carrying out nightly checks to verify quarantine and curfew compliance when at 2 a.m. they ran into the man.

Because he was breaking the rule, the police detained him. And there, he said that he had left his house before the umpteenth argument with his wife. The man said he lived in Como, a town 450 kilometers from where he was found.

The reason the Italian was there was because a week ago he had an argument with his wife and to relieve the tension he started walking without stopping.

Italian police found the man 450 kilometers from his home.

Italian police found the man 450 kilometers from his home.

Local police checked the story and did find the subject had a search warrant as he had disappeared from his home a week ago.

“I came here on foot. I didn’t use any means. These days I ate and drank because the people I met on the way offered me food and drink. water. I’m fine. I’m just a little tired, “the man said.

Eventually, the walker’s wife went to find him in Funo and had to pay a fine of 400 euros because he was absent during the curfew hours.

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