After controversial López-Gatell statements, parents of children with cancer called CDMX march


They called for a march against the shortage of cancer drugs (Photo: Crisanta Espinosa / Cuartoscuro)
They called for a march against the shortage of cancer drugs (Photo: Crisanta Espinosa / Cuartoscuro)

After the Under-Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo lopez gatetell, said on a television show that the manifestations of children with cancer who accuse the lack of medication they are part of a international right-wing campaignCivil society organizations called for a march on July 24.

The appeal is to the parents of minors who suffer from the disease to manifest themselves in demonstrate the shortage of cancer drugs. Guardians residing in the states of Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Puebla, Chiapas, Guerrero and Mexico are summoned. In addition, mothers from the State of Oaxaca who have been affected by the demise of the Breast Cancer Foundation will be present.

The organization Together Against Cancer has called on López-Gatell to end the drug shortage (Photo: Twitter @ MxSinCancer)
The organization Together Against Cancer has called on López-Gatell to end the drug shortage (Photo: Twitter @ MxSinCancer)

The mobilization was unveiled by the Nicoatole Foundation, National Health Movement “Dads of Girls with Cancer”, Zero Shortage, Mayrita and De Corazón Foundation.

“Faced with the lack of chemotherapy, we have taken legal action across the country looking for solutions that give them access to the health that the Constitution guarantees us. Resulting from this neglect throughout the national territory, more than 1600 girls and boys died, so today, Once again, we are outraged by the reaction of Under Secretary for Health Promotion Hugo López-Gatell, who has pledged to deliver cancer drugs no later than today.Reads the press release.

Meanwhile, the positioning of “Together Against Cancer” was overwhelming, as through their Twitter account they pointed out that “the shortage of cancer drugs This is not a “story”, it is a reality that costs the lives of patients of all ages”.

Together against cancer
Together Against Cancer “he assured that” the shortage of oncology drugs is not a “story”, it is a reality that is costing the lives of patients of all ages “(Photo: Reuters / Luis Cortes)

In this sense, they called on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Under Secretary for Health to provide an immediate solution to the problem.

“To the authorities: We cordially invite you to make an NON-scheduled visit to a hospital to see the real blow to the lives of patients. @HLGatell, @lopezobrador_ ”

For their part, opposition voices disapproved of the official’s position and demanded his resignation. The deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Cynthia Lopez Castro, said the Under Secretary’s expressions are inadmissible. On top of that, he demanded a public apology from him:

We demand the resignation of Hugo López-Gatell, it is inadmissible that he dares to say that the children want to have a blow, the children unfortunately they have no way of protesting in congress and asking for support for the return of their drugs.

The Undersecretary has denounced that the companies controlling drugs in Mexico are linked to lawmakers who are
The Undersecretary has denounced that the companies that control drugs in Mexico are linked to lawmakers who are “protesting” using the plight of children with cancer (Photo: Twitter @ HLGatell)

I demand the resignation of Hugo López-Gatell, It seems to me that it is totally inhuman to make a comment like this and disrespect all our children who are suffering., to all the children who have died of cancer and to all the children who are going through a terrible time in hospitals. For this reason, we demand resignation as well as a public apology and these types of officials cannot be in charge of a nation, ”he said in a video.

In the program El Chamuco TV, which was headed by cartoonist Antonio Helguera, Undersecretary López-Gatell denounced that companies controlling drugs in Mexico are linked to lawmakers who “protest” using the situation of children with cancer.

“This type of generation of coup tales has sometimes been associated in Latin America with a coup and this idea of ​​children with cancer who have no drugs, every time we see it coming together. position as part of a campaign beyond the country. international right-wing groups who seek to create this wave of sympathy among Mexican citizens with a vision of a coup d’etat “


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