After expressing his support for the dialogue proposed by Juan Guaidó, Henrique Capriles warned that the conditions were not met to organize regional elections in Venezuela.


Henrique Capriles expressed his support for the national agreement proposed by Juan Guaidó (REUTERS / Carlos Garcia Rawlins)
Henrique Capriles expressed his support for the national agreement proposed by Juan Guaidó (REUTERS / Carlos Garcia Rawlins)

The former presidential candidate of Venezuela, Henrique Capriles, He said on Wednesday that he had “still” not decided to participate in this year’s regional elections due to lack of conditions, and supported the interim president’s proposal, Juan Guaidó, to launch a negotiation process with the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro which will lead to free and transparent elections in the country.

“We have not yet decided to participate in the electoral process” because “the appointment of the CNE (National Electoral Council) is not enough. Many other things are missing “The opposition leader, who faced the late former President Hugo Chávez in the 2012 elections and a year later, after the death of the socialist leader, Maduro told AFP.

The Chavista regime announced that Venezuela would hold elections to elect governors and mayors on November 21.

These elections will take place after the fraudulent legislative elections of 2020, in which Chavismo regained control of parliament, and the presidential elections of 2018, in which Maduro claimed victory despite allegations of fraud by the opposition and ‘much of the international community. The main opposition political parties did not participate in both processes due to a lack of guarantees.

The regional elections were triggered by a new directive from the National Electoral Council, appointed by Congress, with three of the five rectors linked to the Chavist regime and two to the opposition.

Juan Guaidó called for the start of a negotiation process with the Chavista regime, with international mediation (EFE / Rayner Peña R.)
Juan Guaidó called for the start of a negotiation process with the Chavista regime, with international mediation (EFE / Rayner Peña R.)

“I defend the two rectors that we have at the CNE”said Capriles in a community with limited resources in Filas de Mariches, Miranda (north), a state of which he was twice governor.

The appointment of the CNE, Capriles stressed, is “a first step, but it is not enough”, because there are “conditions” such as “Clarify international observation”, release “political prisoners” and resolve disqualifications to opponents and political organizations, which affect the same leader of the opposition.

The former presidential candidate yesterday issued a statement in which he expressed his support for the provision of Guaidó, recognized as president in charge of Venezuela by some fifty countries led by the United States, to resume negotiations with the United States. Maduro dictatorship.

“We did not coincide on the route. I think at the end of the day it seems like we all coincide “said the former governor, who since the beginning of the year has advocated sitting at a negotiating table in search of solutions to the Venezuelan political crisis.

Weeks ago Guaidó proposed a negotiation with the international observation to organize presidential and parliamentary elections in exchange for the “gradual lifting” of sanctions against the Chavist leaders.

Maduro, for his part, admitted to being ready to speak “where they want and how they want”, without referring to the proposal for new presidential elections. But then he demanded certain conditions.

Another who made the same gesture was the opposition leader of the Un Nuevo Tiempo party, Stalin Gonzalez, who also had certain differences with Guaidó that seemed irreconcilable.

After accepting the dialogue proposed by Guaidó, Maduro established certain requirements to start a negotiation process (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)
After accepting the dialogue proposed by Guaidó, Maduro established certain requirements to start a negotiation process (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)

Asked about the position of Capriles and González, the interim president of Venezuela replied that any new member who arrives “comes to join the unit, to give power to a proposal from all Venezuelans”. “It is important, at this time, to let go of any name of ego, arrogance or whatever. It is a national salvation agreement for all “added.

The president of the National Assembly considered it good news “that the leaders and the leaders continue to join a proposal of all Venezuelans, a powerful sum, because not only it favors the proposed option, but there is is no greater defeat for the dictatorship that we unite ”.

“Are there differences (between the opposition)? There may be, but there is a unity to reach an agreement on a solution that will definitively save Venezuela,” he said. In addition, he assured that he understands the “skepticism” that some opponents have or have had with regard to his proposal, because there are obstacles to overcome, a goal which, on previous occasions, has failed. not been achieved.

Norway played a mediating role in the negotiations held in 2019 between the delegates from Maduro and Guaidó; conversations that were canceled due to the intensification of financial sanctions imposed by Washington against the Chavista regime.

With information from AFP and EFE


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