After Facebook crash, everyone is watching Frances Haugen: she revealed scandalous corporate documents | The dangers of Instagram for teens


This Monday morning, there was a massive cut in the services of Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook, social networks owned by Facebook Inc, by Mark Zuckerberg. The fall caught the attention of US media, just a day after a major reveal against the tech company.

A day before, Francoise Haugen She appeared on US television in the “60 Minutes” show, revealing her identity as the person responsible for leaking internal Facebook documents to the country’s authorities.

The 37-year-old is a data expert and has also worked at companies such as Google and Pinterest. In his complaint, he claimed that Facebook was “substantially worse” than what he had seen before.

For the past few hours, the tech company has been in the eye of the storm after the newspaper The Wall Street Journal published a series of articles based on internal Facebook reports with scandalous results.

Among other things, internal documents determine that Instagram is bad for young users, and particularly “toxic” to teenage girlsbecause it “worsens” the problems one in three girls have with their body image.

On television, Haugen assumed he was the one who leaked the material to the press, and explained that while working at Facebook he was “alarmed” by the decisions being made, in which “Profits have been placed before public safety and people’s lives were put in danger.

This Monday, before fall, Facebook had defended itself of Haugen’s claims, stating that it is a “safe and positive” site

“Every day, our team must strike a balance between ensuring freedom of expression for billions of people and making our platform a safe and positive place,” he said in a statement.

We continue to make significant improvements to counter the spread of disinformation and harmful content. To pretend that we are promoting its dissemination and that we are not taking action is simply wrong, ”he said.


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