After getting rid of cancer, these girls hold an annual photo shoot.


Rhean Franklin at age 11, Ainsley Peters at age 9 and Rylie Hughey at age 8 had very early cancer and managed to heal. In 2014, while performing the treatment, they decided to show the world that this disease was not synonymous with death. and they did a photo shoot together. This first image has become viral.

Like this, they started a tradition that lasts until now. The annual meeting reminds them of what happened while inspiring other children in treatment.

In the pictures, they always looked happy and happy to demonstrate the optimism with which they followed the treatment. After being in remission, they continued the photo shoots for give hope to people with this disease.

The three girls from Oklahoma became friends when they received cancer treatment thanks to the call of photographer Lora Scantling, who I wanted to immortalize them to give visibility to childhood cancer. In the past two years, he has joined Connor Lloyd, a 4-year-old trio with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

"This project has been amazing. (…) I'm getting very encouraging messages about people seeing the photo on the Internet and they tell me how they helped or someone they know at a difficult time. I do not think these girls will come to understand how simple a picture of the three embracing was, "said Scantling, speaking with Today & # 39; hui.

Rhean was told that your hair will not grow back by the intensity of the radiation with which they treated it. The eyes will always fall a little because the tumor was located in the brainstem. In addition, he recently had to receive an injection of growth hormones to develop.

Rhean Franklin, Ainsley Peters and Rylie Hughey in 2014 (left) and 2015 (right). (Photo: Lora Scantling)
Rhean Franklin, Ainsley Peters and Rylie Hughey in 2014 (left) and 2015 (right). (Photo: Lora Scantling)

In the case of Rylie, he has only one kidney, which is missing a part because of Wilms tumors who diagnosed him at two years old. However, she leads a very active life: she dances the dance, she does gymnastics and she practices softball.

The trio in 2016 with the first photo of 2014. (Photo: Lora Scantling)
The trio in 2016 with the first photo of 2014. (Photo: Lora Scantling)

As for Ainsley, she still needs carry out checks twice a year check that the cancer has not reappeared in the body. His favorite activities are singing, reading and cycling.

The three friends in 2017. (Photo: Lora Scantling)
The three friends in 2017. (Photo: Lora Scantling)

Connor always goes to the clinic every month to receive chemotherapy treatments. This situation will remain until at least 2021according to the doctors who take care of it.

In 2018, Connor joined the trio. (Photo: Lora Scantling)
In 2018, Connor joined the trio. (Photo: Lora Scantling)

"It means a lot for our family to help raise awareness about cancer in children, and we felt that when Connor would have joined the shoot last year, it would show that even though girls are fine, every day, new children are diagnosed", Said their parents.

Rhean Franklin, Ainsley Peters, Rylie Hughey and Connor Lloyd. (Photo: Lora Scantling)
Rhean Franklin, Ainsley Peters, Rylie Hughey and Connor Lloyd. (Photo: Lora Scantling)

According to the National Cancer Institute (INC) and the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (SAP), they are diagnosed on average more than three cases of children – from zero to 15 years – with cancer per day in the country and that the most frequent are leukemias and brain tumors.


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