After her visit, Pamela Anderson asked to save Assange's life.


"We must save life"From Assange," said the Canada-US actress, one of the celebrities who defend the Australian computer scientist, Anderson had also visited him at the Embbady of Ecuador in London, where he lived for almost seven years. Assange had applied for asylum there in June 2012, when he was required by the Swedish courts for rape charges since then.

The Australian, now 47, has always feared that extradition to Sweden would be a way of delivering him to the United States, where he feared he would be sentenced. to death by the publication in 2010 of hundreds of thousands of secret military documents and diplomacy of this country.

Finally, on April 11, the President of Ecuador, Lenin MorenoHe withdrew the diplomatic asylum granted by his predecessor, Rafael Correa, and the Ecuadorian nationality, allowing the British authorities to enter the embbady to arrest him.

"It was very difficult to see Julian here," Pamela Anderson told the press in front of the high security prison in south-east London. Assange "does not deserve" to be jailed, he said. "He has never committed violence, he is innocent," he added. "We must continue to fight because it is unfair and we have sacrificed so much to spread the truth," he said about revelations on topics such as the actions of US troops in Iraq or in Afghanistan.

US justice wants to try him for "hacking", a charge of up to five years in prison, for aiding the former US intelligence badyst. Chelsea Manning to obtain a pbadword to access these secret documents. The Australian refuses to be extradited to the United States.

According to the editor of WikiLeaks, the Icelandic journalist Kristinn Hranfsson, who visited him with the actress, "Julian Assange is touched but not sunk, he is an extremely resistant person".


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