After interviewing Ari Paluch, Georgina stated that "he is a psychopath"


  After interviewing Ari Paluch, Georgina says that she

Barbarossa with Paluch: after the interview, she said that she wanted to attack

Georgina Barbarossa Interviewed Ari Paluch in Crónica TV that happened the day before yesterday There, the radio operator has defended itself for the accusations of abuse that he made eight months ago and earned him his dismissal from where he was working.

But, after the interview, the actress spoke in "Los Angeles de la Mañana", and he wound up Ari: "I think that he thought I was a moron and I was not going to ask him, and I go to the bone, I will always defend the genre. "

"He went angry and he wanted to attack If you have so much inner peace and spirituality, you respond differently.He is the only one to have been buried," said Georgina, adding that at one point he was "eager" to talk about the death of her husband, while he had been accused of being a drug dealer

. Note. In the end, Georgina was annoying and cowardly: "I do not share your way of defending you and doing things, but it's okay. I respect you. And Ari replied, "Anyway, I do not care about your opinion, but not because of arrogance."

After the interview, Barbarossa described that Paluch "was almost like a wet chicken, practically broken, I think he was thinking of pity, with a broken voice. But I am a great person and also an actress. "

Georgina's last opinion was perhaps the most implacable:" Paluch has a very high level of pride, he is a psychopath. "

THE INTERVIEW [19659004] Barbarossa interviewed Paluch for Crónica TV the day before, where he was questioned about the multiple accusations of badual abuse and harbadment that cost him his job, and the head of the radio had repeated a defense: "The other day I was listening to Ricardo Darín and he said something very true:" You can not ask for forgiveness for what you have not done ". I am not a stalker. What I could have been, it is a demanding type, chinchudo, haughty and discourteous. Some days yes, some days no, "he said in an interview that raised the dust.

In this paper, Paluch had stated that "objectively, I have no reason to be considered a stalker. I apologize to women for what I did, not for what I did not do, and I apologize for what they invented. "

The driver closed the note insisting that no one can verify the facts" Ari Paluch is the same in and out of the air. I am no different … I can be intense, I can comment or joke, but all accusations of harbadment are lies. "

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