After listening to Pochetti, Bonadio must define the fate of several accused


The approval or not of the agreement with the widow of Muñoz is pending; possible consequences for other repentants Source: archive

With a high dose of uncertainty,
Carolina Pochetti, the widow of

Daniel Muñoz

, was transferred Friday at the last minute to Ezeiza prison, after a four-hour hearing with the judge

Claudio Bonadio


The magistrate who investigates the cause of

the notebooks of the bribes

must decide whether his repentant statement will be approved and that the defendant will recover his liberty or whether he will be imprisoned without the benefit of having obtained this agreement.

Pochetti visited

Commodore Py

three times last week: it was first to appoint an official defender; then, declare themselves repentant before the prosecutors of the cause of the notebooks, and finally, for the hearing of homologation. This last instance has been suspended. Bonadio did not reject the agreement, but he did not approve either. The judge preferred to study the contents of his statement and verify it.

The agreement reached by Pochetti, through his defender Juan Martín Hermida, with the prosecutors Carlos Rívolo and Carlos Stornelli, as well as the contents of his statement, were strictly reserved.

His statement to prosecutors lasted three hours. These were very clear when negotiating the content to which the widow Muñoz was to contribute: they needed to know where was the money used to buy $ 65 million properties in Miami and New York and what was the origin of these funds. This money

What happened in the middle – formation of offshore companies, trips to the United States, outpost structure – explained the prosecutor to Pochetti's lawyer and managed to rebuild it on the basis of the contribution of other imputed collaborators from the Muñoz region. they declared themselves repentant in the cause of the notebooks of the bribes.

Imputed on alert

Pochetti's decision to declare as regretted has alerted several of the defendants of their environment, who have already declared themselves in this condition and have given information in exchange for obtaining their freedom.

Elizabeth Ortiz Municoy, suspected of being Muñoz's chief agent for the possession of several companies that bought the properties, had disconnected from her responsibilities and pointed to Pochetti.

Municoy, who was released from prison in November, went to Comodoro Py this week to meet his defense lawyer, Gustavo Kollmann. He remains attentive to the consequences that could result from the approval of Pochetti's statement.

The defender of Isidro Bounine, former private secretary of Cristina Kirchner, visited the courts of Comodoro Py several times this week, pending a measure concerning his accused, arrested two weeks ago by the statements of Juan Manuel Campillo, former Minister of the Economy. from Santa Cruz.

The lawyer of Bunin wishes that his client is released and is also attentive to what Pochetti can say about the management that Bounine would have exercised.

Regarding the pending resolutions, Bonadio should still define the procedural status of Carolina Pochetti, Elizabeth Municoy, Sergio Todisco, Juan Manuel and Gaston Campillo, Carlos Cortez, Carlos Gellert and other defendants. Many of them are still in detention.

Last week, Bonadio approved the deal as a repentant of Carlos Gellert, Pochetti's cousin. However, he decided not to grant his release to Gellert. The same thing happened with Juan Manuel Campillo, who waited nearly a month to be confirmed as repentant in the hope of regaining his freedom. Even after approval of their agreement, the judge decided to leave him on condition of preventive detention.

His official defender, Gustavo Kollmann, appealed the judge's decision between critics and hoped that the federal chamber would decide whether or not to grant a release to Campillo.

As a result of the 80 searches carried out simultaneously – a little over a week ago – in 73 construction companies spread across different parts of the country, dozens of businessmen will be called to testify . This measure is related to the initial phase of the case: the group of businessmen who paid bribes for the procurement of public works.

Although the directors of companies that have not yet visited the Courts of Comodoro Py for this reason are summoned, they will also have to return to declare the directors of large companies such as Roggio, Cartelone, Isolux, Esuco and Electroingeniería, among others .


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