After saying goodbye to her mother, Cristina goes to Cuba via Florence


Former President Cristina de Kirchner travels to Cuba where she will visit her daughter Florencia, who is on the island and is being treated for ten days. Before leaving, Ofelia Wilhelm, her mother, who had been admitted to a clinic in La Plata, had died.

The senator's mother died Friday after being hospitalized since last December at the Hospital Italiano de La Plata. Known the descent, it was doubted in a premise on it would delay its release. "Travel", confirmed sources close to á and explained that the former head of state had bid farewell to his mother's clinic.

In addition, according to other sources, Cristina is very concerned about the health of Florencia because she must be in Cuba. The senator leaves this Saturday at the first hour and plans to return to Argentina on April 30.

The Exmandataria will visit for ten days his youngest daughter, who is in Cuba under medical treatment, while the judiciary is trying to determine whether his state of health deserves to stay in this country until his recovery, at the request of his lawyer, Carlos Beraldi.

Before going on a trip, Cristina has sought the authorization of the various courts that are responsible for prosecuting her, while she is not prohibited from leaving the country.

The legislator received the authorizations of the Federal oral court 5, which follows the cause "Los Sauces"; TOF 2who has a trial date for public works fraud on May 21; and the TOF 8, which makes the file "Hotesur".

In addition, he reported on his trip to Cuba before the federal judge Claudio Bonadio, who invests in the case of "notebooks" for bribes in public works during his administration.

The leader of Unidad Ciudadana will return to the country when the electoral campaign is more advanced and the Justicialist Party will begin to make electoral decisions at the expiration of the legal deadlines for the presentation of the alliances.

Moreover, the Federal Justice expects to know the results of the badyzes of the clinical history of Florencia Kirchner, carried out by two experts of the judicial medical corps, who lives in Cuba for nearly a month and suffered from lymphedema.

Specialists will have to give their opinion mid-week before the Federal Court.

Florencia, 25, is being prosecuted for illicit badociation and money laundering in the Los Sauces and Hotesur cases, with his mother and his brother, the national deputy and leader of La Cámpora, Máximo Kirchner.

The forensic experts will have to be issued after opposing the values ​​and parameters used in Cuba's clinical reports presented to Cuba, noting that they were different from those used in Argentina, judicial sources said. .


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