After seven years of dating, he found out that his “virtual girlfriend” was male and that she had ripped him off.


Tian, ​​a man living in Shanghai, China, discovered after seven years that his virtual girlfriend was not a woman, but a man, who scammed him and took thousands of dollars with him. This is Yi Mou, a man who created a female character in an online video game and contacted Tian through this network.

Yi Mou decided to send photos of his girlfriend to Tian, ​​and pretended to be a woman. The victim was attracted and from there they established a long virtual relationship.

As reported by the state newspaper The paper, they both started talking in 2014 through the Chinese messaging app QQ, where a link was established with the thief. Over time, Yi lied again and assured Tian that he had gone to study abroad and had no money to pay for college fees, tuition, and other expenses.

This is how for seven years, between 2014 and 2021, Tian transferred it 1.3 million yuan to his “Virtual girlfriend”, which are equivalent to 200 thousand dollars. According to The Paper, the Shanghai citizen started suspect noticing that Yi I have always avoided video calls or audio messages and sent only photographs.

Finally, on January 17 of this year, the victim reported his “virtual girlfriend” to the police station of Duhang Police for suspected fraud.

Authorities investigated the case and found out who was behind the false identity. On April 8, the man who confessed to the fraud was arrested: he alleged he did so because he had “a lot” of gambling debt and needed the money.

In addition, it was learned that Yi had married the woman in the photos he sent to Tian and that they had a child together.


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