After several days of anxiety, the Neuquén twins who went to Brazil appeared


This was reported by one of the family members of LM Neuquén. They contacted their relatives when they learned that they were in high demand and that their parents had already reported their case to the police.

The suffering of the family of Sol and Yohana Monsalve, the Centenario twins missing in Brazil, have come to an end. It's this Tuesday afternoon, and thanks to the broadcast in the media, the sisters have contacted their loved ones after several days of cuts.

"Recién Sol and Yohana sent us an audio recording in which they explained that they were fine and that they would arrive in town tomorrow at 8am," said an badistant to LM Neuquén. Consulted on the reasons why they were cut so long – they lost contact on January 21 – the source said: "They stole cell phones and being on the bus, they discovered that they were were looking for and they borrowed someone's phone to contact us "

The 29-year-old girls went to Florianópolis (Brazil) and their last contact with their family took place last week.

In dialogue with this media, Luciana Vardabbado, the mother of the girls, said that they had lodged a complaint last Monday at the Fifth Centenary police station about the disappearance of people and that the police had told them that they were not safe. they would look for them via Interpol. He added that they had tried unsuccessfully to contact the Argentine Consulate in Santa Catarina and that they were evaluating the trips due to lack of information.

The business administration students, Sol and Yohana, left for Rio de Janeiro on Jan. 16, after working at Hipermayorista Makro to save money for their vacations. According to his mother, they left on a bus with the expected return date on 27 January. But when that did not materialize, her parents rushed to the police.

After receiving the first postcards of their daughters enjoying the Brazilian beaches, Luciana and their relatives began to worry because from January 21, they lost contact with their daughters . "They went to a friend's house where Sol had met him working in Neuquén, they were working in a credit house, then in Brazil but they kept in touch.He told my daughters that they were there. he worked as a hairdresser, "said the woman. .


The desperate search for twins Neuquén disappeared in Brazil


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