After spring, does the storm come from Santa Rosa?


The week started in Buenos Aires with a forecast of 14 ° C minimum and 21 ° C maximum, according to the National Meteorological Service. The spring weather was also felt in much of the country, in expectation of the traditional "Santa Rosa storm", a clbadic rainy weather that surprises in this time of year.

In the metropolitan area and in the federal capital, the phenomenon could occur towards the end of the week.

However, there are areas of the country where the phenomenon would have been anticipated. This is what happened in Chaco, where heavy rainfall and gusts of wind caused flooding in Resistencia, the capital of this province.

In the case of the central zone, for example in Cordoba, meteorologists have indicated that the storm will develop between August 29 and September 4 with the usual characteristics it brings.

For Tuesday, in the city of Buenos Aires and its environs, the SMN provides a cloudy sky, a minimum temperature of 15 ° C and a maximum of 22 ° C and fog early in the morning.

Wednesday will also continue the generally cloudy sky, winds from the north sector with gusts up to 50 km / h in the morning and a temperature of 16 ° C and 27 ° C maximum. On Thursday, precipitation is forecast throughout the day, with southerly winds of 19 ° C and 22 ° C minimum and maximum, respectively.

Finally, on Friday, time will return to values ​​more compatible with the hour, with a minimum of 9 ° and a maximum of 14 °.

The legend of the "Santa Rosa storm"

In 1615, Dutch privateers wanted to attack the city of Lima, one of the richest and most important points of the Viceroyalty of Río de La Plata.

Faced with the desperation of the people of the Peruvian capital, Santa Rosa called everyone to pray to the church. The caption indicates that at that time, a strong storm occurred in the area, preventing the ships from attacking the port of El Callao. Even the myth says that the pirate captain died on board the ship.

The Santa Rosa storm is a phenomenon that usually occurs a few days before or a few days after August 30th.

Santa Rosa de Lima died on August 24, 1617 and was elected Patroness of the Independence of Argentina, among other recognitions in the Americas.

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