After the case of influenza A in Alvear, how to take care of respiratory infections


Every year, in winter, there are more cases of influenza, because of the viruses that circulate. In the last hours, a case of influenza A detected in General Alvear, was detected although the patient was in treatment and out of danger. Currently, the influenza A (H1 N1) is considered seasonal diseases typical of the time.

From Department of Health, Social Development and Sports provided some recommendations to take care of the flu and other respiratory problems. In this sense, the annual vaccination against the flu and, before the onset of symptoms, go to the doctor is essential.

In winter, the flu recurs and the increase in cases is normal. This disease is transmitted by contact with the secretions of infected persons by droplets that spread by coughing or sneezing and surfaces or objects contaminated by these secretions.

In addition, other care to consider are: coughing or sneezing cover your mouth and nose with your arm, wash your hands frequently, keep the rooms clean and ventilated.

Similarly, the health portfolio has focused on the tranquility of the population in the presence of influenza A cases. The influenza A (H1N1) virus – also known as swine influenza virus or new influenza virus – arrived in Argentina in late April 2009 and is today another circulating influenza virus, considered a disease

In this regard, Gonzalo [19659003] Vera Bello Head of the Department of Epidemiology of the province, explained: "Influenza or influenza A, c As every year, it has been circulating for several months. There are several cases throughout the country, and in Mendoza there have also been some cases but they are not of great importance. This new case does not attract attention. She appeared in General Alvear, is a patient who appeared in an outpatient clinic and a doctor asked for a sample for the diagnosis and confirmed that it was a flu, but this Is not very important, the girl is at home in good condition. "

" But the important thing is to point out that at the moment the flu A, H1 N1 are considered seasonal diseases, typical of the time, as the l '39. tonsillitis, broncholitis, pneumonia and do not need more important measures. However, it is important to ensure high rates of vaccination coverage against influenza in the population at risk, which is a way to reduce the risk of illness, complications and deaths, "said Vera Bello. influenza or influenza

Influenza or influenza is a highly contagious viral respiratory disease. In general, the majority of affected people recover within a week or two without the need for medical treatment.

However, it can lead to serious complications, including death, in young children, adults and sick people. or chronic conditions, such as heart, respiratory, kidney, immunosuppression, obesity and diabetes.

The main symptoms of influenza are high fever (over 38º), headache, cavities, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and muscle pain. Digestive symptoms may also appear: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea but are more common in children than in adults. These symptoms usually appear 48 hours after the infection and most of those affected recover within one to two weeks without requiring medical treatment.

However, in young children, the elderly and people suffering from other chronic diseases, the infection can lead to serious complications, cause pneumonia and even cause death.

To avoid these cases, it is very important to apply the influenza vaccine annually and, in the presence of symptoms, to promptly consult the nearest health center

Who should receive the flu shot?

Members of the following groups (who are at higher risk of influenza complications) should be vaccinated against influenza each year:

  • All Health Workers
  • All pregnant women, at any time during pregnancy.
  • All pregnant women. in babies under 6 months old.
  • All children between 6 months and 24 months inclusive should receive 2 doses, with a minimum interval of 4 weeks.
  • Children and adults between 2 and 64 years old with chronic diseases (respiratory, cardiac, renal, diabetes, morbid obesity), with medical prescription. For children ages 2 to 8 inclusive, who are first vaccinated against influenza, they should receive 2 doses with a minimum interval of 4 weeks.
  • Persons over 65 years old.

This vaccine, incorporated in 2011, the national immunization schedule for groups at risk of influenza, is provided free of charge in hospitals and public health centers in the province.

avoid becoming ill and transmitting flu

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water
  • Coughing or sneezing Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or inside your elbow. 19659019] Dispose of disposable tissues immediately after use
  • Ventilate environments and allow sunlight to enter homes and other enclosed spaces.
  • Keep door handles and objects of common use.
  • Do not share cubi ertos nor vasos.
  • Teach children how to wash their hands frequently at school and at home

What to do with flu symptoms?

  • See the doctor as soon as possible
  • Stay at home for a week, at rest
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Do not treat yourself
  • Cover nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing. Wash hands frequently
  • Avoid contact with other people
  • Ventilate properly
  • Do not share food, drink, glbades, or silverware.
  • Clean surfaces and objects that touch the water. detergent or alcohol

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