After the chaos and the shooting, they release the son of Chapo Guzmán


Mexico had a new day of violence and chaos on Thursday. Culiacán, the capital of the state of Sinaloa, was the scene Thursday of intense shootings and roadblocks after the location of one of Joaquín's sons "El Chapo" Guzmán, apparently free. The operation caused chaos in the streets and a prisoner escaped from a prison in this northwestern Mexico city.

The incidents resulted in 21 gunshot wounds and an indeterminate number of deaths, among which there would be no members of the army or the National Guard, the State Secretary for Security explained. Cristobal Castañeda, in a preliminary assessment near midnight. In addition, 27 prisoners escaped from prison, he added.

After hours of shooting, the appearance of burning vehicles in different parts of the city and the call for calm government, gunmen continued to roam the streets at night and some roads were still cut . There was no notable presence of security forces.

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A video message from Alfonso Durazo, Federal Secretary for Security and Citizen Protection, did not contribute to the peace of mind because, although he confirmed that the authorities had located Ovidio Guzmán López during a routine patrol in the afternoon, he did not specify whether the son of El Chapo "was arrested when he was arrested and then released by the intensity of the fighting or he's just fled.

>> Read more: A son of Chapo Guzmán was in Sinaloa and chaos erupted

However, José Luis González Meza, one of the lawyers of the family "El Chapo", told The Associated Press that Guzman's relatives had told him that "Ovid is alive and free", although There is no more detailed information on What happened during the afternoon?

Durazo explained that 30 elements of the National Guard and the army had been attacked in a house while they were leading a patrol, that the army repulsed the aggression and took control of the House. It was at that time that they found four people inside, including Guzmán. Lopez

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However, he added, organized crime groups have surrounded the area "with greater force" than that of the army and spread panic in various parts of the city. The federal government has therefore decided to stop the operation.

"In order to preserve the higher good of the integrity and tranquility of Culiacan society, security cabinet officials have agreed to suspend such actions," he said.

Ovid and his brother Alfredo allegedly took over the leadership of part of the Sinaloa cartel since his father's extradition to the United States in January 2017.

Shots in Culiacán began in various places after the actions of the federal forces. On social networks, videos were shown showing trucks with armed civilians and heavy machine guns, vehicles burning on some roads and toll gates on the outside, a practice often used by criminal groups. organized to prevent mobility. authorities.

"Nothing works," said AP Ricardo Gonzalez, a national congressman who locked himself at home after finding his 15-year-old son in school. "There is a psychosis, no one knows what is happening, but we are all afraid and we have already said that tomorrow we would not show up for work."

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The governor, Quirino Ordaz, confirmed in statements to Milenio Televisión that classes were suspended, but said that business would work. Gonzalez doubted it, however.

"There is no public transport, there are no taxis, people from outside the city have been stuck here and tomorrow everything will be the same," he said. he added after assuring that he no longer remembered a similar situation for nearly a decade, while the Sinaloa cartel was experiencing an internal war

With the third and last detention of "El Chapo" in 2016, a fight broke out for control of the group that was disabled with the imprisonment of Dámaso López Núñez and his son, Dámaso López Serrano. The first was captured by Mexico and the second was voluntarily surrendered to US authorities.

Who is Ovid Guzman

Ovidio Guzmán is the son of Joaquín Guzmán Loera and Griselda López Pérez, his second wife, with whom "El Chapo" also procreated Joaquín, Édgar and Griselda Guadalupe.

Griselda has helped, on several occasions, "El Chapo" to escape justice. Ovid was designated in 2012 by the United States Government as part of his father's criminal organization. However, in recent years he has managed to maintain a lower profile than his brothers Iván Archivaldo and Jesús Alfredo.

In the United States, Ovid and his half-brother Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar, aka "Alejandro Cárdenas Salazar", "El Chapito", "Caesar", "Jorge" or "Luis" were among the list of most wanted drug traffickers . His other half-brother, Joaquín Guzmán López, alias "El Güero", "Moreno" or "Güero Moreno", 34, was charged with conspiracy to smuggle cocaine, methamphetamines and marijuana from Mexico to Mexico. from other countries and to the United States between 2008 and 2008. 2018.

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The powerful cartel of Sinaloa is fragmented between the children of Chapo, sentenced to life imprisonment in the United States, and Ishmael "El Mayo" Zambada, formerly partner of imprisoned capo.

Guzman, who became the most powerful drug trafficker in the world, escaped in January 2001 from Puente Grande prison during the first of his escapes.

He was retaken in February 2014, but 17 months later he played in another spectacular escape from a maximum security prison.

El Chapo was arrested for the third time in January 2016 and a year later he was extradited to the United States.

Ovid and his brother Alfredo were attacked on August 15, 2016, while "Los Chapitos" were in a restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Authorities attributed the attack to the rival group Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generación.


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