After the charges, Fabian Gianola removed a publication from their networks


Fabian Gianola He has been having a difficult time in his life for a while. Following the complaints made by Natacha Jaitt and Fernanda Meneses Last year, when they publicly accused him of having badually harbaded them and wanting to mistreat them, the actor was under the microscope in the arts and even suffered a heavy blow after not have renewed his contract.

Now, after the strong statements made by Celina Rucci, who called him "toquetón", and although he broke the silence with a clear and concise message, Gianola opted for a sentence that he then decided to erase from their social networks.

On his Instagram, Fabián shared an image of "poetic action" of the city of Mar del Plata. "Behind fear is freedom", reads the picture that the actor shared, accompanied by black hearts and controversial hashtags: #Threats, #DenunciasFalsas and # Persecución.

However, after a few minutes, Gianola decided to remove the post from the platform.

See your message in the gallery of images (click on the main photo)

L. L.

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