After the commotion, Trump steps back and postpones the new summit with Putin for next year


The Republican had invited Putin to the White House in the autumn Source: AP

WASHINGTON – This is not rude but almost. After the hand-to-hand meeting in Helsinki between the President of


Donald Trump
and his pair of


Vladimir Putin
the Republican had announced that he was planning to receive in the

White House
the Kremlin's head in a few months, during the autumn in the northern hemisphere.

Trump recoiled. The agitation caused by his statements at the joint conference with
Russian leader, when he denied the
The US intelligence service for Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections, weighed more and led to the retreat.

  The Republican had invited Putin to the White House in the autumn
The Republican had invited Putin to the White House in the autumn Source: AFP

His security advisor John Bolton, said yesterday that
Trump is of the opinion to find when the investigations on Russia were completed. That is why it was decided that the meeting between the two will be held after 1 January 2019.

"The President believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the end of the hunt for We have therefore agreed that it will be after the first day of next year, "said Bolton in a statement

  The Republican had invited Putin to the White House in the autumn
The Republican had invited Putin to the White House in the autumn Source: AFP

The American was criticized for supporting Putin in his disengagement from Russiagate : the Russian rejected any interference of his country in the elections and the Republican, winner of the Contestation in 2016, considered the denial "extremely firm and energetic", in contradiction with his own secret services.

Although later, on his return to the United States, Trump said that he had "absolute trust in intelligence agencies". "and accepted the conclusion of the interference of Russia but insisted that they had no effect on the result, the controversy was already installed.

A special investigator badyzes presumed Russian interference in the elections and badesses whether there were secret agreements between the Trump and the Moscow campaign. Trump has described these inquiries several times as "witch hunts".

  Republican had invited Putin to the White House in the autumn
The Republican had invited Putin to the White House in the autumn Source: AFP

Reuters Agencies, DPA and AP

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