After the controversy, Scioli went to Italy with Gisela Berger


The ex-governor of Buenos Aires and the model, who has a daughter in common, badured that they were separated but were seen and photographed in Sardinia.

At the beginning of the year, the model Gisela Berger questioned the origin of the money of the former governor of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli, and told the court that Kirchner's national representative could not pay for the trips that he made and forced him to hide while they were in jail. together

But last weekend, the couple traveled together on an Air Italy flight, according to Dolores Miter, published in his profile on Twitter:

?? "Now, Scioli and his girlfriend Gisela Berger in Sardinia en route to Rome at Olbia Airport on the Costa Esmeralda!

– Dolores Miter (@DoloresMiter) July 14, 2019

Bergel and Scioli, who have a daughter in common, said they were separated but were seen and photographed when they took flight 1123 from the Italian company, which had left Sardinia for Rome, ready to take advantage of the European summer.

?? "Now Scioli and his girlfriend Gisela Berger in Sardinia rush to Rome at Olbia Airport on the Costa Smeralda!

– Dolores Miter (@DoloresMiter) July 14, 2019

Scioli, who wanted to fight for the presidency in the October elections but who had left the pre-candidacy a few weeks ago, was accused by his partner in court of having accredited several trips to Europe for the need to continue to undergo arm treatment but denied that he had attended specialists in the destinations where he had visited.

Berger said that the former governor asked him to cover his face with hats if they were in a known place where there might be photographers.. "I did not understand why he had asked me to cover myself, I mean, I'm going to a place where I can relax, not to cover myself," said the Cordoba model.

Consulted at the beginning of the year for his message on social networks, which asked where the MP's money came from, Berger said: "It's simple, I think (Scioli) can not afford it, because there is no problem elsewhere to show where we are, why I have to cover it and it can not be shown. "

Berger and Scioli were together for three years, according to the model, while the former governor also came with his wife Karina Rabolini, until their separation on Jan. 9.

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