After the controversy with Bolivia, Gerardo Morales requests a regional health insurance: "We are the fools of the neighborhood" – 02/05/2019


Governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, called for the establishment of a "regional medical insurance" which allows Argentinian citizens to go for free to health centers in neighboring countries.

He said Tuesday that after the controversy with Bolivia over the "unequal treatment" that a citizen of Jujuy received in hospitals in that country after being a victim of an accident, he was claimed more of 120 thousand pesos Argentines for medical care.

"I sent an open letter to the President (Evo Morales) and I responded to the Minister of Health (Gabriela Montaño Viaña) .I reported to them all that Manuel Vilca (the young victim ) had paid to the public hospital.They can charge 122,000 pesos. They even loaded him with toilet paper. It would be a good sign to bring him back. It can not be that there is no reciprocity, "began Morales.

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In dialogue with the radio The Web, the head of the province denounced that in Bolivia, he is accused more "until the naphtha to cars with Argentine patents". And he gave an example, for comparison: "We take care of a family in Tarija with a little boy who has cancer, the treatment of cancer is very expensive, but we do not ask them where they come from , our country has always been like that, unfairly what is happening and I think it's wrong. "

"Manuel's case was an accident and accidents must be treated free of charge. There is no xenophobic approach. I am a grandson of Bolivians. In the province, we have an impressive Bolivian community. Evo learned to read and write in Jujuy and Salta. We are a very generous people, but there must be equality of treatment, "insisted the governor, who denounced the fact that" the Argentineans, unfortunately, receive very bad treatment in Bolivia ".

That's why-Morales added- "that we are raising the debate on reciprocity throughout the region".

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"In Paraguay and Brazil, the same goes for Chile, where Argentines who travel without the health insurance they need are fined up to $ 500. we end up being the neighborhood's idiots", said the reference of Cambiemos.

Morales also claimed that he had the support of the national government in his crusade for the establishment of a "regional health insurance".

And he concluded: "I have spoken with (Chancellor, Jorge) Faurie and with (Minister of the Interior, Rogelio) Frigerio, they fully agree with me.This Thursday we will meet the Chancellor on this and on the 22nd, there will be a meeting Santa Cruz de la Sierra to see how we can solve it. "


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