After the controversy with Bolivia, Gerardo Morales wants to charge foreigners who receive medical care in Jujuy


The announcement was made yesterday afternoon at the government's clean room, as part of a press conference. Credit: File

The governor of Jujuy,

Gerardo Morales,

Yesterday, the Legislative Assembly of the province was convened in special session to consider the bill on the collection of information to foreigners for health care services received in the province.

The president returned the official request to the local parliament after criticizing the president of Bolivia,

Evo Morales,

for the "unequal treatment" that he received
A citizen of Jujuy in this country when he was a victim of an accident and was asked to pay several thousand dollars for medical care received.

The announcement was made yesterday afternoon at the Great Hall of Government, as part of a press conference during which the provincial authorities have ratified "transformations" of the health system of Jujuy.

"We will continue to work on the issue of reciprocity from this last case, we have the draft law ready to be approved," said the governor about legislation to advance the collection of foreigners requiring medical badistance. in hospitals in that jurisdiction.

In this context, he added that the discussion in Parliament had been delayed because "we were discussing the issue at the regional level", while indicating that they would meet at the end of February with the authorities of Santa Cruz de la Sierra ( Bolivia) to ratify the request for reciprocity.

The regulations to be discussed indicate that it aims to "strengthen access and the right to health in equal and integral conditions, eliminating all forms of discrimination and strengthening fraternal ties with all countries of the world". world, on the basis of distributive justice criteria ".

"We will continue to work not only with Bolivia, but also with the countries of the region.We have made a superior proposal for a regional insurance guaranteeing reciprocal attention in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay", Morales said. supported, about the debate which is a discussion of the country in Mercosur.

On the other hand, Morales has ratified the policies developed to improve the provincial health system by pointing out that the infant and maternal mortality rates have decreased, among other indicators.

At the same time, Jujuy's Minister of Health, Gustavo Bohuid, reported on the work done in the portfolio. He estimated that the group had invested 123 million pesos in equipment and 47 million pesos in works.

Bohuid highlighted "high-impact actions" such as setting up new operating theaters, traveling surgeries, traveling doctors, increasing shifts awarded and the "high-impact actions". opening of a dental center in 2018.

And, he pointed out that more than a hundred trips had been made in the medical aircraft to badist patients, the project of medicinal cannabis production was evaluated, among other indicators.

Telam Agency


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