After the controversy with Juan Grabois, Mauricio Macri pays a visit to the CEO of Mercado Libre


President Mauricio Macri attended on Monday, 10 June, at the opening ceremony of New development center of Mercado Libre, in the district of Buenos Aires Saavedra. During the visit, which lasted about an hour, the head of state visited the factory facilities with the head of the government of the city of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larretaand the owner of the company, Marcos Galperín.

At the end of the visit, Mr. Macri addressed the participants and paid tribute to the company: "This new infrastructure opening Mercado Libre testifies to the accumulated success, but above all, what's comingit continues and we are very proud, as Argentina, to see that we are capable of innovating, creating to do and trusting ourselves and our abilities ".

"We must bet more so that all the youth that accompanies us are part of the jobs of the future"In this sense, he stressed the impetus of a law aimed at" promoting the knowledge industry "and said that" we are generating multiple free training platforms so that we let's have more and more young talents and digital tools that allow them to be part of "the advancement of new technologies-

The president's visit takes place after the recent controversy led by Galperín and Juan Grabois. The social leader badured that the businessman is a Change Leader Partner and used its link to drive your business development. online

Free Mercado is synonymous with smuggling, evasion, financial speculation, consumer abuse and unfair competition. Your "success" is the destruction of thousands of jobs. Macri made multimillionaires at your expense.

– Juan Grabois (@JuanGrabois) May 5, 2019

After discovering that the company that has become the largest Argentine company in the world with more than 29 000 million dollars, Grabois has used its Twitter social network to denounce "Free Mercado, that is contraband, escape, financial speculation, abusive consumption and unfair competition. His "success" is the destruction of thousands of jobs. Macri made multimillionaires at your expense. "Galperín did not stay and responded through his social network:"Too bad it's tragic, it should be just comical"He wrote.

The CEO of Mercado Libre responded to Juan Grabois's criticism: "Too bad it's tragic"

Agenda of Mauricio Macri

After visiting the facilities of the Mercado Libre, Mauricio Macri receives his Colombian counterpart, Iván Duque, at Casa Rosada, where they will badyze, among other things, the situation in Venezuela.

Duque arrived yesterday at the metropolitan airport Jorge Newbery and then joined the fifth presidential Olivos to have dinner with Macri. This is the First visit of the Colombian Head of State to Argentina since taking office on 7 August.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Macri will receive Duque at Casa Rosada with a ceremony in the esplanade located on Rivadavia Avenue, where a military guard will pay tribute to the visiting state chief.

After the official photo in the clean room, Macri and Duque will hold a private meeting at the presidential office, where they will discuss topics such as regional integration, trade and technical, cultural, academic and consular cooperation between the two. country. At the end, an enlarged meeting will be held in the Eva Perón room with delegations from both countries, which will be attended by ministers and state secretaries, following which heads of state act of signing agreements and will propose a statement to the press.



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