After the crossings with Carrió, the UCR launches itself in the struggle for the 2019 budget


Cornejo, party leader and governor of Mendoza, will meet Peña

  Cornejo, party leader and governor of Mendoza, will meet Peña

Radicalism will bademble its leadership tomorrow, seeking to influence the Government, just in moments of tension with Elisa Carrió and without having yet started in the discussion for the 2019 budget. These tensions will also be reflected during the week (probably the same Tuesday) before the Chief of Staff, Marcos Peña, and pro-government leaders Horacio Rodríguez Larreta (City) and María Eugenia Vidal (Buenos Aires), who have so far bid in tandem to Casa Rosada for not having paid the cost of the event. fiscal adjustment next year.

In fact, this would be the first photo of the political leadership table of change with Allied leaders Gerardo Morales (Jujuy), Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes) and Mendoza Governor and UCR holder, Alfredo Cornejo, in full discussion or the budget of 2019. It is a strategy that Casa Rosada manages, first to link the doors to the budget deficit to 1.3% for next year. Unless there are changes in the agenda, the meeting of Radicals with PRO referents may trigger some reproaches after Peña, Vidal, Larreta and Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio secretly met last week in San Isidro with Peronist referents such as Senator Miguel Pichetto, Governors Juan Schiaretti and Juan Manuel Urtubey and the head of the Renovation Front, Sergio Mbada

The UCR leaders will hold a separate ranch tomorrow when the three leaders will meet the party leaders at the NH Ateneo hotel. In this conclave will also be MP Mario Negri and Senators Angel Rozas and Luis Naidenoff. The budget will be a focal point for the radicals, after Casa Rosada has so far given priority to the discussion with the yellow districts: the city and the province of Buenos Aires. This is a discussion that worries leaders as Nación plans to postpone public works that are not "essential", as he pointed out in the IMF's letter of intent.

In turn, radicalism could introduce a bill that allocates more resources to SMEs. This would be a measure in response to the contraction in economic activity and would seek to supplement the latest announcements of the President and the new Minister of Production, Dante Sica. But they could also come to demand initiatives that encourage consumption

The radical nomination will take shape amid resentments with Elisa Carrió, head of the Civic Coalition, who said in public last Friday that She controlled at the centenary party from the outside. "It's not necessary to stop for a second to badyze their claims, the UCR governs three provinces and more than 300 municipalities, a representation that no other coalition party has." 39; a, "said deputy José Cano, who will today share the event with Independence Day with President Mauricio Macri in Tucumán.

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