After the departure of Ferreyra businessman, only De Vido and Baratta are still in prison


The businessman from Cordoba Gerardo Ferreyra He benefited yesterday from the house arrest, as part of the case of bribes notebooks. Ferreyra has been in detention since August 1, the date on which the case broke out. He was the last businessman to be imprisoned again. With his release, which will be done with the use of the electronic ankle, only remains behind bars, for this case, the former Minister of Planning Julio De Vido and his second, Roberto Baratta.

Ferreyra, owner of Electroingeniería, is considered a member of an illicit badociation that, for justice, operated in the country between 2003 and 2015 around public works. The decision to grant house arrest to Ferreyra was made by judges Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi of Chamber I of the Federal Court of Appeal.

Magistrates spoke of the procedural risks that Ferreyra's release could entail – what he referred to at the time Claudio Bonadio, Judge of the case – at the moment they stated: "We can not ignore that the defense has repeatedly stated that Gerardo Ferreyra would go through a delicate state of health due to his underlying illness, with a marked physical deterioration since entering the prison., which could put his life at risk, after being relapsed, granted by the party in detention. "

In view of the foregoing, the judges considered that, even if their image should be corroborated by the forensic body, "It deserves to adopt an immediate decision in order to avoid irreparable harm to the fundamental rights of the accused".

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Nevertheless, until the medical reports were finalized and the measures to be taken, if any, put in place were concretely defined, in which Ferreyra might have some interference, the judges found it "reasonable, taking into account described particularities of imposing upon the deceased a morigeración of his detention status, in a form of restriction of the minor entity – as well as detention at home – based on humanitarian grounds, but by adopting measures strict security ".

The judges ordered that Ferreyra, a personal friend of the former legal and technical secretary Carlos Zannini, be part of Assistance program for people under electronic surveillance (wristband and GPS), dependent on the National Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation, with weekly supervision of the Board of Directors and designation of a person guarantor of the conditions imposed, among other features.

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Ferreyra is an entrepreneur who is strongly identified with kirchnerism, in the middle of which he has sown business and made management errors that were under the microscope. Its commercial ramifications have reached the media. As the owner of Radio Del Plata, Ferreyra and his son Sebastián have fired a large number of press workers, who now have to pay salaries, social security contributions and compensation, while seeking to avoid comply with other legal obligations that weigh them. .

Stornelli confirmed at the head of the cause

Federal Prosecutor Carlos Stornelli received good news during the day yesterday. In the middle of the advance against him for the case of Alessio, in which he is declared in absentia and pending a request for investigation, Stornelli was confirmed to the head of the investigation for the notebooks bribes. This was because of the Federal House's rejection of the objections against the Attorney General who had presented the defenses of Roberto Baratta and Oscar Thomas.

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Both are plaintiffs in the Alessio case and have questioned the prosecutor because he is charged there. The challenges were initially rejected by the judge of the case, Claudio Bonadio, but the defenses were appealable and therefore reached the Federal Chamber.
In his vote on the resolution yesterday, cameraman Leopoldo Bruglia said that "it is not clear that the grounds invoked to support the challenge of Mr. Stornelli describe a circumstance that has a incidence in the case of Baratta or Thomas ". In this way, the prosecutor received significant support sometimes when his continuity was questioned.


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