After the electoral failure, the head of the PP does not plan to resign and one sector blames him for the "right"


"It was a very bad result"The PP leader Pablo Casado admitted on Sunday. The match goes from 137 to 66 seats; from 7.9 to 4.3 million votes. Citizens is on his heels: he is no more than 9 deputies and he surpbades in fiefs like Madrid, the political homeland of the popular president. Married, who did not admit questions after his appearance, does not intend to resign and questions the fragmentation of the center-right vote. The critical sector emphasizes: they think the "debacle" is due to the "right wing" of the party and its signatures.

The workers started dismantling at 00:30 the balcony that nobody from the PP dared to look at. At the headquarters of Genoa, there was nothing to celebrate and in the street, no one to celebrate. The sofas prepared for the campaign team remained intact. "We are touched"; "It's a debacle"; "Disaster"; "Neither in the worst polls …", they repeated. The party that has ruled Spain for almost 15 years and which until now ruled the opposition to Pedro Sánchez with 52 more seats than the PSOE does not touch the ground. And it's a very low floor, unpublished for the initials: 66 seats. Total loss at the premiere of the new leader, Pablo Casado, who filled this Sunday 282 days of mandate.

The PP, which had gathered nearly 11 million votes with Mariano Rajoy in November 2011 and 7.9 million in 2016, now stands at 4.3. In white in the Basque Country – the number three of the party, Javier Maroto, will not be deputy – only one – that of Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo for Barcelona – in the second most populated community in Spain; fell from 23 to 11 seats in the newly conquered Andalusia, where she links with Ciudadanos, and is the fourth force in Cadiz and Huelva. In Madrid, the political cradle of the leader, they pbad from the first to the third force, behind the PSOE and the CSs. In the Valencian community, from 15 to 7 seats. In Galicia, where the PP has won all elections since 1981, they are ousted by the PSOE. they fall to half of the deputies of Castilla-La Mancha, there are eight left in Castile and León … The citizens are right behind and Vox enters Congress with 2.6 million supporters (in 2016, they were 44 000).

The Casado candidate suffered a sharp setback from the Spanish electorate. Source: AFP.
The Casado candidate suffered a sharp setback from the Spanish electorate. Source: AFP.

None of this prevented the activists from receiving Casado with long applause when he appeared before the press after midnight, after congratulating the winner, Pedro Sánchez, on the phone to whom he had insistently demanded Election since taking office. PP, last July. He did not self-criticize and did not admit any questions. The leader of the PP, accompanied by some of his last signatures and the party's general secretary, Teodoro Garcia Egea, admitted that the result was "very bad", but he left it to the voters, on the fragmentation of the vote center-right. He asked "a reflection" to those who, by dividing this political space, elected president in the polls – Sánchez and is called for autonomy and the municipal campaign of May 26 under the same slogan: the vote of the Union of Voters of its ideological spectrum. Party sources said he had not considered resigning. In recent days, in their environment and let down that their predecessors had "won the third". In any case, the PP has never dropped below 100 seats and remains at 66.

The result is as strong as a slap, but in the PP, they disagree with the causes, just as in recent months they have been divided about each move and the appointment of their leader. Among the most loyal, one of his recent signatures also accused "voters who did not know how to combine an alternative to the center-right". Another accusation concerns mainly Vox and the fact that the far-right party could not have transformed many of these ballot papers into Congressmen: "Vox has had a devastating effect, as thousands and thousands of thousands of votes were left without seat, they mobilized on the left and Citizens was the one who benefited the most from the situation ", he summarized. Asked about the possibility that Casado resigns or is pushed to do so in the coming days, they added: "The leader is indisputable."

Another sector of the PP, which has questioned all Casado movements in recent months, believes that the polls gave him the right and feel justified by the disaster. He believes that the leader's strategy of targeting the elector who escaped to Vox has neglected the center and that Citizens has managed to take advantage of this gap to the right. "We lost the center because of the right wing and not the Vox attack," said a former senior official. "That's what we had planned, alerted and denounced," said another leader.

The atmosphere was icy at Genoa 's headquarters, where some of Mariano Rajoy' s internal enemies returned during the past nine months, just like the man who appointed him successor to 2003, José María Aznar; or whoever has defined the president expelled by the motion of censure as "a bad memory", Javier Fernández-Lasquetty. They changed the faces, shapes and program of the PP filled with winks at Vox, such as recentralization, defense of the hunt or bulls. But as they warned of the critical sector, silenced in purging lists and deleting the chart, "this only leads to that between the original and the the copier vote the original [Vox] while we lose the center. "


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