After the escalation of the dollar, Nicolás Dujovne dodged the press


After a hot day for the dollar, which rose $ 11 Monday and closed at over $ 57 After the defeat of PASO's ruling party, Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne evaded the press and avoided making statements. When he left his home in Belgrano, he dodged the reporters who were waiting for him, got into his car and headed off to the finance ministry. The price of the US currency has now risen and has been proposed to $ 61 at the National Bank.

Monday the official has been collected at Casa Rosada with the President Mauricio Macri and the head of the central bank Guido Sandleris, at a meeting at which they badyzed the possibility of implementing economic measures to improve the situation of the middle clbad, one of the sectors most affected by the economic crisis. Among the proposals are changes in income tax, loans for SMEs and the reinforcement of phased purchase plans.

The meeting took place at a time when it was recorded the worst fall of Merval since the crisis of 2002, to a day when shares have collapsed on average by 37%, while the roles of Argentine companies listed on Wall Street lost nearly 60% of their value. While the country risk has only increased by 17 points and remained below 900.

After the meeting, Macri blamed the devaluation on Kirchnerism, with the dollar escalating linking market reaction to the possibility that Alberto Fernandez Be the next president. "The economic world does not trust Kirchnerism, they have already ruled and must show that they will do something different," he said at a press conference at Casa Rosada. "What can happen is great, we can not go back in the past because outside they see the end of Argentina ", affirmed.

The evolution of the dollar in recent months


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