After the Ethiopian tragedy, Aerolineas Argentinas will suspend the operations of its Boeing 737-8 Max


Aerolíneas Argentinas announced that it was suspending, from this day, the commercial activities of its five Boeing 737 MAX 8s, after the accident that occurred yesterday with a similar Ethiopian Airlines machine and which caused the death of 157 people.

According to Telam of the national company, the decision is the subject of technical reports on the accident and was taken after the joint badysis conducted with the ANAC (National Association of the civil aviation), the regulatory authority of the country's air sector.

"For Aerolineas Argentinas, the most important value is safety.It is the goal that guides all its tasks.Since it's working with the Boeing 737 MAX 8, in November 2017, the company performed 7,550 flights safely and efficiently, "they said in Airlines.

Currently, out of the 82 aircraft in the Aerolíneas fleet, five are B737 MAX 8 models.

They pointed out that Aerolíneas was closely monitoring ongoing investigations to determine the causes of the incident that occurred with the Ethiopian Airlines aircraft. And this is in constant contact with the manufacturer of these aircraft, the company Boeing.

They also said to be attentive to the badysis conducted by the United States Regulatory Authority (Federal Aviation Administration), as the certifier of the aircraft of US origin referred to.

Both Boeing and the FAA are issuing concrete recommendations that are extended to all airlines operating this model aircraft.

"In accordance with the foregoing and until technical reports are received from these agencies and entities, Aerolineas Argentinas has ordered the temporary suspension of the operation of the aircraft in order to guarantee the parameters. high security that characterize the operation of the company ", they pointed to the company.

They said that pbadengers on scheduled flights aboard 737 Max 8 will be relocated in different models from the rest of the company's fleet.

A similar measure to the airlines also took Aeromexico and Gol, which will leave these planes on the ground until they know the causes of the accident.


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