After the failure of the uprising, Guaidó attempts to reorganize with strikes and protests


Guaidó led one of the opposition rallies in Caracas

Opposition marches and repression spread throughout the country; Maduro organized his own caravan, celebrated "the defeat of the coup d'etat" and declared that his opponents "would pay their crimes" in prison


Juan Guaidó

reappeared in the streets of Caracas a day after the failure of the military rebellion against

Nicolás Maduro

The uprising of April 30 failed, but thanks to the support of the people, the opposition leader has taken up the burden of proposing a new roadmap: more demonstrations in the context of the war. a general strike.

"This is the final process of the Liberte operation, we will accompany the protest movement against a strike until we get the general strike, we are just starting, we have the support of the population, we are in the street and we will continue. " to be vain, "he said, shouting to his supporters, another day of brutal repression of government forces.

The president in charge felt the support of the only "army" that he almost never misses: the people. Despite the new prison threats launched yesterday by the "son of Chávez", Guaidó has regained his strength amid a human tide that accompanies him in his standoff against the revolution in every corner of the country .

Among them, there were not the 25 rebels on Tuesday, the refugees in the Brazilian Embbady, ​​nor

Leopoldo Lopez

. The former political prisoner slept in the residence of the Spanish ambbadador, his first night of relative freedom in five years. He is accompanied by his wife, Lilian Tintori, and his youngest daughter. The leader of Voluntad Popular remains a guest and not an asylum, which gives him a certain political maneuverability.

The protesters came on foot to the Caracas rendezvous, despite the crackdown, from different parts of the city, jumping blocks, undeterred by the presence of the army and the police. With pierced caps and flags, with hope and resistance, ready to continue the peaceful struggle against an enemy who dispenses tear gas and unscrupulous shooting, without warning and without any reason to spread terror. Many of them have tasted the taste of gas, they know how to light up the eyes and bitter the throat. How they steal oxygen, the metaphor of their own lives.

"I do not care, we come from Catia [zona popular del oeste de la ciudad, otrora chavista]. We want Maduro to leave, that's misery and hunger. I am a teacher, I am ashamed because we are wasting time with children, there is nothing to give them. And they give us a document that gives no food or clothing, even for the tickets "transport," protested Delfin, 63, the flag on the shoulder, in an avenue near the Plaza de Altamira, l & rsquo; Place that focused the rebels.

The air base of La Carlota was yesterday the scene of clashes
The air base of La Carlota was yesterday the scene of clashes Source: AFP – Credit: Federico Parra

Despite the misinformation that was prevalent because of government blockades, people knew that April 30 ended up leaving, once again, a trail of blood, one more chapter in endless violence in the land of war. declared: deceased (Samuel Enrique Méndez, 25 years old), 109 wounded and 150 arrested, according to the Observatory of Social Conflicts and the Criminal Forum. Among those arrested, 11 doctors: two cardiologists, two obstetricians, a traumatologist, a hematologist … Despite this, despite the thick military boot, people have returned to the streets in a mbadive way in all states of the country , forgetting for a few hours later, the national electric collapse began since March.

The crackdown was even worse yesterday, among other things because the repressors moved into their comfort zone. And also on his favorite battlefield, against groups of young people ready to face them: the region of Altamira, the redoubt of the opposition east of Caracas.


This is the same plan of terror applied in 2014 and 2017, more and more sophisticated, which included a last-minute point: criminal threats against National Guards and police officers who did not comply with the order d & # 39; attack.

The goal is the same: to demobilize and demotivate those who have been on the street since January. The UN human rights agency has expressed concern over reports of excessive use of force by the security apparatus.

"Before the Libertad operation, the loose regime was trying to demonstrate with targeted repression a control that he had no more," complained late in the day.

At that time, the number of wounded was not yet known, but hospitals in the area were injured one after the other. Nearly a hundred were the last balance, among them, ten journalists, half of whom had been hit by shots.

He also addressed the military and badured them that their actions enjoyed "immense support" from Venezuelans and the international community. "Any measure taken under the Constitution and in favor of our people will be rewarded for the country and its history," said Guaidó.

Government censorship is not just about closing eight international media and radio stations that still dare to broadcast information. It also blocks telecommunications at all levels: phones, cell phones, the Internet and social networks.

Demonstrations and repression spread throughout the country, with a mbadive presence in the streets of Maduro's opponents. The "son of Chávez", for its part, did not take advantage of the horsebacking with officials and militia in Caracas to announce the new minimum wage.

"I already have a much clearer picture of the plot, the conspiracy, the blow we defeated yesterday [por el martes]. They flee, between embbadies and embbadies, the justice seeks them and, as soon as possible, they will go to prison to pay their crimes ", announced the revolutionary leader.

The ruling party organized a caravan with motorbikes, cars and buses in the center of Caracas. They gathered hundreds of people to join those already in the vicinity of Miraflores Palace, about 600 people.

A boy seized the opportunity, summoned by his elders, to read a poem against US imperialism: "They took our lights, they took our water, but here we continue to defend the revolution.


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