After the fires in Paris, Macron militarized the controls at the demonstrations and measured his authority – 23/03/2019


Action XIX yellow vests in France has become a test for the president Emmanuel Macron and his government. After that the Champs Elysees were burned Last Saturday in the movement's biggest propaganda act, the head of state seeks to regain his authority and territory against Yellow Vests in France.

Blindó Paris, ban on demonstrations on the Champs-Elysées, in the three main squares of Toulouse, Bordeaux and Nice, where Chinese President Xi Xi Ping will be and his wife with the couple Macron in Beaulieu sur Mer.

So, first disturbances this saturday march 23rd they moved to the cities of the interior of France. There were clashes between the "Black Blocks" and the police in Montpellier, in Herault, which turned into a huge cloud of tear gas. Many protesters are foreigners and have not been arrested yet.

Rochereau Square, part of the neighborhoods

The Plaza de Rochereau, part of the areas "authorized" for the demonstration of today. AFP

The government and the president had to leave this week to reduce the idea of ​​"militarization" of repression, after having designated 7,000 soldiers of Operation Sentinel as guardians of public buildings and tourist sites iconic C & # 39; was a dangerous idea in the way she had been presented by the government spokesman. Fear is the reaction of the soldiers if the jackets are trying to get in and they are prepared for the war. President Macron personally had to go out to denounce "the false debate" and warn that "the army is not in charge of public order".

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The idea of ​​"firmness" that the authorities want to impose after replacing the police chief in charge of the control operation last Saturday is going to be challenged by vespers, who have already started arriving in Paris. They will make a sitting in the Trocadero, in front of the Eiffel Tower and an authorized march from Denfert Rochereau to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre, which has already begun. 10 metro stations closed until now in Paris .

Part of the anti-terrorist special teams deployed by the French government in Nice, where the President of China will visit. REUTERS / Eric Gaillard

Part of the anti-terrorist special teams deployed by the French government in Nice, where the President of China will visit. REUTERS / Eric Gaillard

In Nice, they banned the event but the vests arrived the same. They have already left the place Garibaldi with tear gas. There are six inmates and a 75-year-old woman was injured and taken to hospital.

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Paris is armored when the vests begin to meet at Trocadero. Police and gendarmes are deployed everywhere, in fast and reactive brigades. Even on the roof of the triumphal arch, command forces deployed. Armored glbad walls have been placed on the most beautiful avenue in the world, where traces of Saturday's violence are evident. All burning companies are trying to rebuild themselves, even if it will take months. Cafes that have been saved from attack are open as a symbol of resistance.

A surprise demonstration takes place on the Boulevard Raspail, in Paris, where the police are trying to evacuate and block the demonstration.

Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet said: "We will not have mercy on hooligans" "Photo: Valery / AFP).

Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet said: "We will not have mercy on hooligans" "Photo: Valery / AFP).

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The police recognize that at least 2,322 preventive controls.

The new prefect of the Paris police, Didier Lallement, is responsible for the operation, after replacing Michel Delpech last Wednesday. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Interior Minister Christophe Castaner visited the police in the morning.

Do you get money? "Firmness, professionalism and especially" reac-ti-vi-dad "", asked the prefect of the police.

"We will not have pity on the thugs," warned Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet. "When the breakers attack them, you attack. France is with you, "he told gendarmes and police in Carcbadone." These people do not want dialogue. His demand is violence, "he said.


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